1205 – Come out to hang out, you have to pay it back

Original link: https://atjason.com/daily/2022-12-05.html

Before, for the sake of seam control and Qingling, it was so terrible to talk about that thing; now let go, it will be so difficult to get this thing back.

They were not allowed to give birth before, but now they are forced to give birth. No matter how correct the righteousness is, if it is implemented personally, it is molesting.

Such things as authority are slowly built up bit by bit. It is much easier to destroy.

Lowest cost to tell the truth

Now some people are very panic about letting go. In fact, we can’t blame them. After all, the propaganda in the past has always been how terrible the new crown is, how serious the sequelae are, how many countries are in dire straits, and now they are suddenly released and told the public that the new crown will heal itself, and there is nothing wrong with it. sequelae. You are the public, which direction will you think.

Therefore, we must learn a lesson in the future: If information is selectively released in order to achieve governance goals, instead of giving the public full access to information, then it will be easy to adjust the governance goals, but it will be difficult for the people to accept the adjusted governance goals again. Multiplied. If things go on like this, the government will fall into the Tacitus trap.

This article is reproduced from: https://atjason.com/daily/2022-12-05.html
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