When the clouds stop changing shape;
When the moon is no longer companionable;
When feet no longer walk into paths without purpose;
When the mouth stops making meaningless sounding rhymes;
When the eye no longer beholds the thin line that hangs low over the curtain of stars;
When the ear no longer hears the rustle of broken words among the leaves of the forest;
Take me in peace tonight while the world sleeps.
Take me again and let the monotonous clouds continue to change.
Take me once again to keep the lazy moon going.
Taking me once again down unmarked trails.
Take me again to say words that have no meaning.
Take me to see the stars in the night sky again.
Take me to hear the forest sing again.
Take me to turn the clockwork again.
Take me back to Earth again.
Cover: Photo byNechama LockonUnsplash
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