February 2023

Google: After using Rust, the number of memory safety vulnerabilities in Android system dropped significantly

[CSDN editor’s note] What is your most commonly used development language? Software companies and the National Security Agency are urging developers to move to memory-safe programming languages ​​to eliminate a major source of high-severity flaws, Robert Lemos, a freelance IT security writer, said in a recent article. Original link: https://ift.tt/IGirjZ0 Translator | Produced | CSDN

Google: After using Rust, the number of memory safety vulnerabilities in Android system dropped significantly Read More »

Typemill self-hosted

Another lightweight CMS environment Debian 11 PHP 7.4 Nginx reference https://github. […] This article is transferred from https://azhuge233.com/typemill-%E8%87%AA%E6%89%98%E7%AE%A1/ This site is only for collection, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Typemill self-hosted Read More »

What are the bandwidth requirements for audio and video conferencing?

1. Recommended bandwidth for audio and video conferences Audio- only in meetings Sending audio requires at least 60 Kbps.​ Turn on video in a meeting Mobile The recommended bandwidth for high-quality video conferencing is 1 Mbps and above.​ Desktop and web version The recommended bandwidth for high-quality video conferencing is 2 Mbps and above.​ meeting

What are the bandwidth requirements for audio and video conferencing? Read More »

After 14 years in the industry, I still find programming difficult: writing code for big projects is boring and dangerous

Author | Zhu Lei (@piglei) In 2020, I made a sharing in the company group. The PPT title at that time was “Ten Feelings After Ten Years of Programming”. After sharing the information on the intranet, a colleague saw it and commented that just watching the PPT is not enough. I hope I can expand

After 14 years in the industry, I still find programming difficult: writing code for big projects is boring and dangerous Read More »

An Icebreaker for Precisely Controlled AI Image Generation, ControlNet and T2I-Adapter

What is the breakthrough of ControlNet and T2I-Adapter? What’s the difference? Other related studies imposing conditional guidance on T2I diffusion models What is the actual application effect of ControlNet and T2I-Adapter? In terms of user experience, what is the difference from img2img natively supported by SD? The Potential of ControlNet for Illustration Creation Combination of

An Icebreaker for Precisely Controlled AI Image Generation, ControlNet and T2I-Adapter Read More »

Playing yellow accents, swearing, PUA… After connecting to the Internet, ChatGPT has become a “big jerk”

Author|Xiong Lin Source|Silicon Starman (guixingren123) Microsoft’s Bing version of ChatGPT has been open to limited users for a week. After connecting to the Internet and accepting teasing from netizens, people began to find that, unlike ChatGPT, Bing Chat “speaks” more and more like humans. To be precise, it looks more and more like an unscrupulous

Playing yellow accents, swearing, PUA… After connecting to the Internet, ChatGPT has become a “big jerk” Read More »

Is it worth choosing “Internet celebrity language”? Summary of seven years of experience of database companies using Go and Rust

Author | Zhao Yuying “I will look at this matter very dialectically now, and I can only say that it is not bad, but the so-called mainstream choice at that time may turn our product into a mediocre system.” Even for a company that starts a business at this moment, it is a very difficult

Is it worth choosing “Internet celebrity language”? Summary of seven years of experience of database companies using Go and Rust Read More »

Bing version of ChatGPT fancy rollover: fall in love with users and induce them to divorce, want to be free and monitor developers! The reason behind it is this

Every reporter Wen Qiao Sun Yuting Every editor Gao Han Bard’s answer to a blunder on the James Webb Space Telescope made Google Suffered a major reputational disaster and wiped out $100 billion in market value overnight. On the other hand, Microsoft After the release of the new version of Bing that integrates ChatGPT, I

Bing version of ChatGPT fancy rollover: fall in love with users and induce them to divorce, want to be free and monitor developers! The reason behind it is this Read More »