Produced | OSC Open Source Community (ID: oschina2013)
The official version of Python 3.11.0 is expected to be released in October this year, and the first and second Beta versions have been released; 4 versions are expected to be released in the Beta phase, and the next pre-release version 3.11.0b3 is planned for June 2022 Posted on Thursday the 16th. In addition to the new language features and other improvements, Python 3.11 looks to perform well and is a very good improvement over previous Python 3.x versions.
For more details, see the official Python documentation:
With this in mind, tech media Phoronix ran some performance benchmarks against Python 3.11 Beta 1 (the latest development version at the time of testing). The performance of Python 3.11 Beta was compared to earlier versions, including Python 3.10.4, Python 3.9.13, and Python 3.8.13. All of these Python versions were built from source with the same release configuration on the same system, and then various Python benchmarks were run to see how Python 3.11 differed from previous Python versions. The test environment is as follows:
The test results are as follows:
First up is the PyBench Python benchmark. It can be seen that Python 3.8 to 3.10 performed about the same, but moving to Python 3.11 Beta showed a significant speedup: Python 3.11 Beta took about 84% of the time to complete this set of script tests compared to the previous version.
The PyPerformance Python benchmark results show that the speed-ups of the Python 3.11 Beta look very good.
According to the testers, the performance improvements mentioned in Python 3.11 seem to be true and very attractive. While the performance difference from Python 3.8 to Python 3.10 is similar, without any wide-ranging performance improvements; the speed-ups of Python 3.11 are huge for this reference implementation, similar to the level of optimization on the PHP side from PHP5 to PHP7.
Further benchmark reports will be released by the testers closer to the official release of Python 3.11.
Overall, Python 3.11 Beta is 41% faster than the current Python 3.10.4 stable release and 45% faster than the Python 3.8 series.
More data can be viewed on the page:
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