Fu Jian Yibo’s Twitter account has become the Louvre Museum of Internet Culture

As the cartoonist account with the most fans on Twitter at present, Yoshihiro Fuki and his fans are doing their own thing here, which is like the way this maverick cartoonist will operate.

For a month after opening his Twitter account, Yoshihide Fujian uploaded a photo every day to update his progress in drawing the original manuscript of the “Full Time Hunter” comic.

Although the vast majority of these photos are scribbled sketches, that doesn’t prevent each of his tweets from garnering hundreds of thousands of likes in just one day.


Unlike most creators’ social accounts, which have some interactions and exchanges with followers, Fu Jian Yibo’s account has rarely said a word except for posting a photo every day to update the painting progress since its opening, which can be called “” Fu Jian Yi Bo Bot”.

Generally speaking, such a social account with little substantive content will soon make people lose their freshness and gradually be left out in the cold. However, when Fu Jian Yibo opened his Twitter account, it had been more than three years since the last update and serialization of “Full Time Hunter”, and now readers have finally found an opportunity to express that they have “been suffocated.”

Whenever Yoshihiro Fujie sends out a new photo, someone will try to decipher the plot information contained in it, and many of them have reached the point of seeing through the “illusion”, as many people claim to have seen the West in the picture below. Soo’s figure:


Some people even echoed that they had actually found the traces left by Hisoka in the photos of the previous day’s drawings, and completed the pictures he saw.


A month later, Fu Jian Yi Bo’s Twitter comment area has not only developed into a team building base for “Full Time Hunter” fans, but even has a trend of developing into an “abstract museum”.


In the final analysis, Fu Jian Yibo’s account was a bit special at the beginning of its debut. On the ordinary day of May 24, it appeared for no reason under the name of “Fujian Yibo”, posted an inexplicable photo of the original manuscript, and left a mindless sentence “In short, there are 4 talk”.


This account and even the ID use default garbled characters, and there is no trace of the usual “official entry” at all. But just based on the topic gimmick that “Full Time Hunter” may resume serialization, this unknown account has attracted the attention of various information accounts on Twitter in a blink of an eye, further triggering discussions.

Some people in the crowd who forwarded and left messages directly “opened champagne” to celebrate the re-publishing;


Of course, there are also “Internet detectives” who are serious about handling the case, trying to analyze the authenticity of this account.

有人发现新账号中的画台与富坚以往的工作室照片有所不同 Some people found that the painting table in the new account is different from Fu Jian’s previous studio photos

It was not until Yusuke Murata, the author of “One Punch Man”, retweeted this tweet and said, “It is learned that this account is me”, and then Shueisha also gave the same certification, the dispute over the authenticity of the account was not over, and at this time The account has nearly one million followers.

But Yoshihide Fujian himself seemed to have nothing to do with all the disputes. The account remained silent for a day after the tweet was sent, until the second day when he released the second drawing as if nothing had happened. Contains a bit richer than the first day.

这次至少能看出是树了 At least it’s a tree this time.

The “condition” of the fans has also ushered in a new development: at the beginning, there were still people seriously analyzing the scene in the picture and making up the story of the past that they connected with, but everyone quickly realized that “to a “Zhang a draft picture to do a lot of analysis” is absurd enough in itself, and all kinds of meme pictures came into being.

The most common is to replace this “tree” into the exhibition space of various artworks;



For the current “Full Time Hunter” fans, there is nothing more touching than watching the draft of Fujian’s Twitter;


And Fujian’s account Un4v5s8bgsVk9Xp (garbled code generated by default during registration) has become a joint password between fans of “Full Time Hunter”, and it is also the new code name of Fujian Yibo.


These meme pictures come from users in many different languages, and various subcultures are mixed outside of “Full Time Hunter”, and sometimes it is even doubtful that Yoshihiro Fujie himself can understand these contents.


Despite the language barrier, apparently not many people really take the content released by Fujian seriously, or the content itself is far more exciting than the fact that “Full Time Hunter” is expected to resume publication, guys Just find a place to “crap” together.

Fujian’s reappearance in everyone’s field of vision also reminds people of some people who record every day “Has “Hunter” resumed publication today?

An anchor named “Zanjiang Assault” on YouTube made a wish that as long as “Full-time Hunter” has not resumed publication, he will imitate President Nitro in the work every day, and throw a thousand “thankful fists” every day. ”, and his live broadcast for this has continued from January 2020 to the present.

When it was first broadcast that year, “Zarjiang Assault” was a celebration, and it took 2 and a half hours to punch a full 10,000 punches.


After 2 years, on the day when Fujian opened his Twitter, “Zanjiang Assault” once again challenged 10,000 punches – his training suit was already torn, but his punches were also much stronger than those of the year. And this time, he no longer used the number as the standard, but decided to hit 10,000 punches in a solid way. Besides eating and going to the toilet, it took him ten hours to finish the 10,000 punches.


The number of viewers of this live broadcast is also far greater than in the past. People came to congratulate him not only for achieving his wish, but also for his physical fitness.

However, on the second day, “Zunjiang Assault” still broadcasted a thousand “thank you Zhengquan” every day as usual. Everyone also realized that although Fujian opened a social account to live broadcast the progress of the original manuscript, why did “Full Time Hunter” stop publishing? Time is still far away, and there is no precise number.


For those who don’t pay much attention to comics, Yoshihiro Fujian’s “off publication stalks” are even as well-known as his own works.

Some people have counted the serialization records of “Full-time Hunter” on “Weekly Shonen JUMP”. It can be said that since 2006, “Full-time Hunter” no longer has a “normal serialization” in the general sense-Fujian Yoshihide about only every year. Will draw a one-volume comic book, and then disappear from the magazine, no one knows when he will appear next time.

This kind of treatment is unique in Shueisha, and the works of ordinary cartoonists should have been cut in half a long time ago.

蓝色为有连载的月份,红色则代表休刊 Blue is the month with serialization, and red is closed.

In contrast to the intermittent serialization, even in the few serialized episodes every year, readers are not all waiting for rich pictures and plots, but often some scribbled sketches, which make people suspect Fujian. Yibo actually only spent a few minutes drawing these cartoons,

买漫画的读者们心也很痛 Readers who bought comics are also heartbroken

In 2011, Yoshihide Fujian finally put an end to the “Ant Chapter”, which took up nearly half of the previous comics, but at the end of this chapter, he brought the “Nine Lianhei” that shocked readers’ hearts. “Scene – nine pages long with only black background and lines.

黑底白字的表现方式并不少见,但敢在JUMP上连用九页的那就只此一家了 It is not uncommon to express white characters on a black background, but it is only one that dares to use nine pages in a row on JUMP.

This scene has almost become the most common example of the unique expressiveness of “Full Time Hunter” in the future, and is considered to be limited to the artistic conception that can be expressed in comics. However, at the time of the serialization, this practice still caused a lot of controversy. Many readers had a hard time accepting that they were waiting for a few dialog bubbles. They felt that this was another slick trick that Fu Jian came up with to be lazy and cheat the royalties.

On the other hand, Fu Jian Yi Bo is often discovered by fans of some life dynamics, such as the ability to play games in the “garbage heap” in his early years;

据其助手说,因这张照片流传甚广,富坚不再让身边人随便拍他的生活照了 According to his assistant, because the photo was widely circulated, Fu Jian stopped letting people around him take casual photos of his life.

Recently, some people were met at a music performance, and even sent flower baskets to the girl group.


The most well-known anecdote is, of course, that Fujian once hosted the “Fujian Cup (とがし Cup)” Mahjong competition, and would draw signature boards for the winners. When this incident was exposed, the publication of “Full Time Hunter” was suspended, so there was a saying that Fu Jian’s so-called “going out to collect materials” was actually playing mahjong in the air. It has long been unknown whether the “Fujian Cup” will still be held after that, but the stalk of Fujian Yibo’s indulging in mahjong painting has been passed down to this day.

那届“富坚杯”也已经是十年多前的事了 That “Fujian Cup” was also more than ten years ago.

The so-called “love is deeply responsible”, the dissatisfaction accumulated by the readers eventually developed into a teasing of Fu Jian Yibo, which is mainly expressed in the Chinese environment as “old thief” and “rich traitor” to address him.

Just like the comment section of “Fujian Yibo” on Twitter today, these stalks were originally created by Fu Jian Yibo’s fans themselves. The daily transportation outside of work is brought to the stage.

Although the fans scolded it harshly, it did not necessarily contain much malice, and no one denied the talent displayed in his works. The focus of the debate is nothing more than whether Fu Jian did his best to draw this work, if he worked harder If so, did everyone have the opportunity to see more exciting works?

But as time goes by, as Fujian’s every suspension and resumption of publications can become big news in the industry, “lazy”, “playful” and “irresponsible” have still become labels attached to him. At this time, it is the turn of comics. Readers to clarify.


Just like now opening a social account but turning a blind eye to the fans who came to leave a message, and just tweeting like a robot, Fu Jian Yibo rarely responded to the controversies he caused in the past, except complaining about his low back pain symptoms.

富坚多次提及过自己的腰痛症 Fu Jian has repeatedly mentioned his low back pain

According to his former assistant, Yoshihide Fujian suffered from low back pain as early as when he serialized “You You Bai Shu”, and he often lay on the ground and painted to relieve the discomfort.

富坚过去的助手味野くにお在漫画《先生白书》中记录的回忆 Memories recorded in the manga “Mr. White Book” by Fukien’s former assistant, Akino Akino

Just two days ago, someone leaked a letter to readers prepared by Fu Jian for the October art exhibition on Twitter, in which he mentioned that he could no longer sit in a chair and paint normally for the past two years, and he even finished painting. The toilet can’t wipe the butt on its own, and I have to take a shower every time. But fortunately, he developed a new painting posture, so it was barely able to continue the serialization.


Before he started complaining about low back pain, he also laughed at himself in the letter, “I think you are probably thinking: you can just continue painting.” It’s just that compared to “mahjong terriers”, suffering from spondylosis, which is almost a cartoonist’s occupational disease, is hardly even news, and naturally it won’t get much spread.

It’s just that after the letter was leaked, looking back at Fujian’s draft tweets that he has insisted on updating for a month, it also has some tragic colors. Someone made a meme before to imagine what Fu Jian Yibo looked like when he took these original photos, and now someone replied: “Fujian can’t pose like this.”

突然变成了地狱笑话的梗图 A meme that suddenly became a hell joke

Regarding this Twitter account, many people initially speculated that it was the idea of ​​the JUMP editorial department. The content of the tweets that are not expected to resume publication makes people believe that the appearance of this account is the personal behavior of Fu Jian Yibo. And this is more like an idea that Fu Jian came up with in order to cheer himself up and let everyone supervise him than a regular social account.

Many people have translated this letter into various languages ​​and sent it to the comment area of ​​Fujian’s Twitter, hoping that more people will understand his diligent side, and some people will draw cartoons or make new MEME pictures to express to Fujian. Thanks, cheer for him, and even begged him to take a good rest and stop consuming his health to paint.


However, Fu Jian’s Twitter account is still irrelevant to all this, just uploading line draft photos as usual, and his comment area is still inundated with a large number of meme pictures.

That is to say, in the past few days, the residents of the Fujian Yibo comment area, who were once stuck in a creative bottleneck, invented new toys. Previously, because many people would only repeat the ready-made meme pictures every day, resulting in serious homogeneity of the comment area, some people took the initiative to set their own meme pictures as “sensitive content”, which needed to be clicked to see.

富坚推特评论区现状 The status quo of Fujian’s Twitter comment area

But as a result, such a setting has stimulated people’s desire to click, resulting in the hot comments in the comment area full of sensitive content. So a new type of meme map was born, that is, “hold to mark your sensitive content”.


Most of these meme pictures are still based on the pictures of “Full-time Hunter” or “Youyou Baishu”, but they seem to have little to do with these works and Yoshihiro Fujian himself.

As the cartoonist account with the most fans on Twitter at present, Yoshihiro Fuki and his fans are doing their own thing here, which is like the way this maverick cartoonist will operate.


Yoshihide Fujian has been controversial because of his “suspended publication”, but for more cartoonists, such “victimization of wind criticism” is a privilege of popular painters.

For most people, being “suspended” for various reasons can only mean being gradually forgotten, among which there are countless helpless suspensions due to illness.

Yumi Touma, the author of “The Legend of Weapon Race”, has been suspended indefinitely since 2015 due to a glaucoma attack;

Daisuke Ahihara, the author of “The Realm Trigger”, has repeatedly suspended publications due to cervical spondylosis and cholecystitis;

Yazawa Ai, the author of “NANA”, has suspended his works for more than ten years due to illness;

Yu Jiayu, who was in charge of the script of “Mars Alien Species”, fell ill, and the work was repeatedly suspended. Finally, the artist who collaborated with him joined other works…

These authors and their representative works were once well-known and were adapted into animated games or live-action movies. For them, they are irreplaceable career works, but for the industry, they are not irreplaceable commercial products, and they cannot So get what extra privileges. Even if the limelight is in full swing, once the publication is suspended due to illness, it will inevitably decline in popularity and gradually disappear from people’s eyes. Even the most loyal fans will turn to despair in the long wait and leave.


Cartoonists will gain fans because of their works, and they will be sought after and criticized for this. Even reader and fan groups will attack each other, and they can quarrel over whether a certain author is dedicated or talented. Open the deal.

But in terms of finished work, it’s hard to say how much these debates mean to different cartoonists.

Yu Feng won the Tezuka Osamu Culture Award for his “Earth-A Movement About the Earth”, and he is also the youngest manga artist to win the award. When he mentioned his creative motivation in his acceptance speech, he said:

“Perhaps 90% of them are really for the approval of others, but the remaining 10% is because I want to paint my inner words and pictures that can move me.”

This article is reprinted from: https://www.yystv.cn/p/9360
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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