Original link: https://blog.yitianshijie.net/2022/07/04/zhong-ti-xi-yong-primer/
Small tip: If you live in a Huazhu Club series hotel like Hanting, if you want to connect to the hotel Wi-Fi, switch the login interface to English, you can only enter the room number and surname, and you can connect without the mobile phone number and the verification code.
Which hotels in the Huazhu Club series can be viewed here to see “Hotel Brands”. It is unknown whether the above rules apply.
This may be too lazy to support overseas mobile phone numbers, but in any case, it has been an open secret for many years that Chinese services preferentially treat English users, just like Western libraries are only open to some people. Don’t feel uncomfortable. Only by being a good Westerner can you be a good Chinese, and only by learning English well can you speak Chinese well.
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This article is reproduced from: https://blog.yitianshijie.net/2022/07/04/zhong-ti-xi-yong-primer/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.