Hottest weather this year in 61 years

Up to now, the national average number of high temperature days is 8.7, which is 3.6 days more than the same period of normal years, the most in the same period in history since 1961. Xiao Chan, deputy director of the National Climate Center, said at a press conference on Wednesday that due to the high temperature, electricity consumption in many southern places such as Zhejiang and Shanghai hit a record high, and many people in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places were diagnosed with heat stroke. Affected by high temperature and low rainfall, moderate or above meteorological drought occurred in the eastern and southern parts of Southwest China, the eastern part of Northwest China, and parts of central and eastern China. According to reports, as of July 31, moderate to severe meteorological droughts have emerged and developed in many places such as central and southern East China, northwestern and southeastern central China, parts of southwest China, and western southern China. continued. Temperatures in most parts of the country are expected to be close to normal to high in August.

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