Friendship links hide the love and face that people can’t give up

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△ 220|Friendship links hide feelings and faces that people cannot give up

The original title was “The love and face that the Chinese can’t give up”, and I thought that there should be no such stereotyped prejudice, and whether there will be very care “friendship links” abroad – it turns out that there are not too many, but We are still enjoying it.

I was the first generation of bloggers. At that time, apart from fiddling with the CSS of the website, the content was not the second most important thing. On the contrary, the “friendship link” was the module that the blogger was most happy to toss about – I didn’t expect, even if Up to now, the importance of this module is still so prominent. This is like the classmate record of elementary school students before graduation. Someone gave you one, which means that you should also give the other party a record of your few classmates to achieve some kind of “fairness” —— Even if you don’t like or even know this person at all, but because the other party has already given you a classmate record for you to fill out, you will somewhat calculate in your heart – it turns out that the other party regards you as a “friend”.

I don’t have a classmate record in which the whole class has written one – but there are many students who use the number of “classmates” in the classmate record as a “standard”. For many classmates, I am the last one who needs to recycle the classmate records. After all, the number of matches formed between them is limited, and although I am not their “friend” in the true sense, I can at least occupy one seat. Of course, if I didn’t “voluntarily” write the list of classmates I was sent in, I wouldn’t fill it out honestly. After filling it out indiscriminately, the next message would only say something like “Happy every day, smooth sailing” and so on.

At that time, I didn’t actually give many pages of classmates’ records. I only gave it to a few close friends, and I still gave them to them. Although I was looking forward to getting one back in an “equivalent exchange”, I just understood it in my heart. ——These classmate records that they handed over will definitely be exchanged for a classmate record that they filled in earnestly. After all, such a friendship will not reveal hypocrisy at the last moment before graduation.

But after all, someone who is “unfamiliar” will still ask me to write one. I’m embarrassed to show the appearance of “unfair”, but I feel that it is very troublesome to exchange a classmate record. The quantity to be handed over should be arranged according to the friend’s level, and sometimes it is even necessary to consider which “important” friends should be reserved for the inner pages of the classmates of different colors. In the end, I just threw my blank classmate record on the desk. When I met those classmates who were not very familiar and obviously wanted a “number advantage”, when they gave me a classmate record for me to fill out, I would also tell They also have a classmate record in my desk, and I hope they can take one and fill it out. Of course, those students who emphasize fairness, of course, are willing to exchange a classmate record from me to prove their “filling in number”, but The classmates who just saw me as their “recycling amount” didn’t care if they gave me a copy, but some didn’t even know where I was sitting.

In this way, the seemingly free and open exchange mechanism for classmates records, on the contrary, allows my classmates to not be wasted by too many resources, even those that are recycled, because I need to exchange my classmates as “quantity”, a clear vision. I can see that it is exactly the same as the classmate record I submitted in the past. I didn’t fill it out indiscriminately.

After more than half of writing, I realized that I have been talking about the behavior of a primary school student for a long time, and I haven’t talked about the “friendship link” that I want to talk about today.

Before this blog, only the cancelled LOFTER focused on the writing itself, so there was almost no tossing about links (of course, a larger part of the reason is because in the circle of young people writing fanfiction, only me Adhering to the 500-day writing plan all day long, it is impossible for anyone to exchange such a non-star as a bridging friendship link).

Needless to say, Douban itself needs to be built on social media, but the advantage of Douban is that, like most social media, it only cares about the difference between the number of “followers” and “followers”. Even if others follow you, you don’t need to consider “fairness”, because this is an unwritten contract between Douban users – those who follow more than those who are followed are “audiences”; those who receive more attention than those who follow, It is an “actor”; what’s more, those who are followed by tens of thousands but within ten digits are “Douban celebrities”. Therefore, between such differences, a certain degree of “snobbery” will form. If an “audience” pays attention to himself, most people will not care; but if an “actor” pays attention to himself , then you must return to the level immediately, for fear that the other party will unfollow him because he has not returned to the level for a long time (of course, there are also people who deceive attention in this process); Several broadcasts, photo albums, and diaries must be carefully prepared, not only to announce that celebrities are paying attention to them without revealing that they are showing off, but also to let “celebrities” see their new content and feel that it is very valuable. , you are paying attention.

In the past, it was the blog bus. Although the blog bus was not the original blog, it was indeed the beginning of many people getting started with blogging. At that time, the blog bus had another hidden function – confrontation and division of Qzone. Everyone has a specific period of secondary school, that is, they think they have grown up. The deeper the self-confidence, the more the illusion of being separated from the world, and the feeling that oneself is out of tune with the surrounding. After all, Qzone is a place where there are many young people and classmates. In order to prove this “incompatibility”, many people choose to start over on the blog bus – ashamed to say, I am one of such people. But at that time, the “misfit” still couldn’t escape the mundane. The number of “Friendly Links” and “Today’s Visitors” in Qzone was not much different. The more the number, the more friends you made in the new field of blogging. If there are too many, it will form a sense of “public recognition”. However, this is not a bad thing. The better the number of fans and links, the more motivated the bloggers will be; but because this set of rules is only a superficial value, some people will be stuck because of this value, and they will become more motivated in the content. After a dismal long period of no interaction, they will choose to shut down the blog, then rebuild one, reset their own values, and start a new round of “I don’t care about the value of my blog anymore, I have to write well, Then a few days later, I was stabbed by the single-digit number of views” cycle.

As for the current blog, it essentially does not have a “friendship link” function. The “absolute realm of interesting souls” at the bottom of the page is an independent blog I have collected that will often click to see or leave messages. In an age where reading is ruined and your social environment makes you speechless, there is a group of people who can express themselves just as much as I do. But there are often people who leave a private message asking me if I can exchange “friendship links”, and I always reply “I will read your blog for a while.” It’s very interesting that I occasionally find a treasured blog. After reading it for a while, I will add it to “Interesting Soul”. Later, I found out that people have already recorded my blog in one of his blogs.中—— Therefore, people with similar odors can smell the familiar odor of each other across a computer screen.

It’s because I’m too lazy to toss about the relationship and face in the “Friendship Links”, just like the classmates at that time, the choice is whether you care more about its number and its enviable network, or you are more concerned about it. Caring about who he is and what his opinions are. The meaning of the exchange is equality or worthiness. To put it bluntly, it depends on whether the parties are hampering their feelings or pleasing themselves.

As I said before, I am not a person who likes to cite scriptures , but it is inevitable that some people will not be able to form a figurative cognition because they cannot see the scriptures, so here are the scriptures.

LOFTER is regarded as “Flying Bird Collection”;
Douban is regarded as “Police and Hymn”;
The blog bus is “Don Quixote”;
Mobius is the Tao Te Ching.

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