Feng Xiang (Annotation): New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 20:11-21:8)

Original link: http://www.ideobook.com/3203/new-heaven-new-earth/

This paragraph writes about the Last Judgment and the New Jerusalem/Kingdom Coming. Judgment, mishpat, at its root, is the judgment of human affairs or the politics of the world. God created the world, at the beginning of his administration, as “the judge of the earth” and “presiding over justice”, ya`aseh mishpat, Genesis 18:25, praise and criticism, reward and punishment, are only in this world. From the flood of the ark to the burning of Sodom, from Israel’s exodus from Egypt to Canaan, to the overthrow of the holy city, the dwelling of the LORD reduced to ruins, “the filth set up in the holy place”, Matthew 24:15: Every time, the holy law Justice has not spared sinners. For the Most High has said, “Vengeance is mine, and I will avenge…Only that day [the enemy] will be miserable, and the end will come quickly”, Deuteronomy 32:35 (“Song of Moses”). Here, the end, `athidoth, refers to the predestined thing, the destiny of man, not the end of the world, “the heaven and the earth pass away” and “the sea does not exist”, Revelation 21:1. Historically, the God of Moses, although “slow to anger,” did not need to delay judgment. God’s retribution/revenge, naqam, based on corporate responsibility, can be held against the sinner’s descendants “until three generations and four generations”, while the great love is more “deadly passed down by a thousand generations”, Exodus 20:5-6, 34:6-7 (cf. Withered Bones” introduction). If this is the salvation, the people will not need (and cannot imagine) heaven and hell, but simply “put delight in the law of the LORD” and “trust in [His] mercy”, Psalm 1:2, 13:5. In that world, the souls of the dead, good and evil, go to hell; “the dead shall not be reborn, nor shall their shadows rise again”, Isaiah 26:14, “Even if the heavens fall, they will not wake up/will not disturb his long sleep”, Job 14:12. After King David and Solomon, Israel was divided, monarchs, nobles and priests fell into corruption, and the country’s fortune declined. Social turmoil, the invasion of enemy tribes, and even the wicked people are everywhere in Fudi, and the faithful are miserable. The retribution of good and evil, which Moses believed in, has now become a question for many people. So the prophets were called to receive the Word, to condemn infidelity, and to curse the nations. The spirits of suffering responded, and the doomsday theory, along with the belief in the resurrection of the dead, slowly developed, just as Isaiah said: O Lord, in their affliction they seek you/pray with their hearts only because they bear your punishment . . . no, your dead shall be reborn/their bodies shall be raised; wake up, and sing, you who dwell in the dust! For thy dew is the pearl of the morning light / The earth shall bring forth shadows, Isaiah 26:16, 19. See Job 19:26-27. Finally, during the Hellenistic period, King Antiochus IV of Seleusi sacked the holy city and desecrated the temple, his people experienced brutal religious persecution, and countless devout people were martyred for the holy name and the holy law. Son” Introduction). Finally, the Holy Spirit inspired the saints to spread the Tao, forming the concepts of resurrection of the flesh and heaven and hell in the later generations, as well as the doomsday creed of apocalypse (see the introduction to “The Great Judgment”): this world is corrupt, and the kingdom of heaven is near. The dead, like the living, are about to rise again and receive the Lord’s retribution, just as sheep and goats are separated by the shepherd, Ezekiel 34:17, Matthew 25:33 – the great judgment is set on the day of resurrection, that “eternal end” has no end the future. 11 After that, he saw a great white throne, upon which the One sat high. From his presence, heaven and earth fled, leaving no trace. 12 I saw that all the dead, large and small, were standing before the throne, and the scrolls of the heavenly book were unfolded. Another book, the Book of Life, was also opened, and the dead were judged according to what was written in the book, and according to their deeds. 13 So the dead that the sea spits out of the bottom of the sea die, and the dead that the Hades hand over to the ground are judged according to what he did [in his lifetime]. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death; 15 All those whose names are not written in the book of life are thrown into this lake of fire together. In Chapter 21, I saw a new heaven and a new earth, because the previous heaven and earth have passed away, and the sea no longer exists. 2 And the holy city, the New Jerusalem, came down from heaven, from God, as a bride adorned to meet her husband. 3 Immediately, a mighty voice was heard from the throne, saying: Behold, the tabernacle of God with men shall be planted among the world! They shall be his people, as God himself shall be with them (their God); 4 and wipe away their tears. There will be no more death – no grief, no wailing, no pain, (because) all that was before is gone. 5 Then the one who sat high on the throne said: Behold, the renewal of all things is in me! He also said: You write them down, these words are most reliable and true. 6 Then he said again: It is done! I am “Alpha” and “Omega”, the beginning and the end. To those who are thirsty, I will take the fountain of life and give it free of charge. 7 He who overcomes will inherit this [inheritance]: I will be his God, and he will be my son. 8 But the cowardly, perfidious, filthy gang of murderers, harlots, witchcraft idols, and all liars, their part is in the lake of fire and brimstone, the second death. . Note 20:11 Whiteness: Symbol of victory, note 6:11, 19:11. The One: Euphemistically called the Most High, “The One who is, was, and will come”, Rev. 1:4, 4:8. Escape from heaven and earth: Refers to the present world created in the beginning, 21:1, which is the end of the “Version II” of God’s creation (Introduction to “The Garden of Eden”, see “Song of Isaiah, Saying Sin”). 20:12 The Book of the Heavens is opened: the merits and sins of mankind are described separately, Daniel 7:10 (“Son of Man”). Book of Life: God’s taking of the “remainder” of the righteous or people, the predetermined book of salvation, 3:5, Exo 32:32, Psalm 69:28. Works, erga, back to the Holy Law and the teaching of Jesus, condemnation by works, note 14:13, Matthew 16:27, John 7:51, not the “justification by faith” that Paul preached, Romans 5: 1, Gal 2:16. 20:13 The sea: a metaphor for the primordial chaos, all the powers against the Creator, Job 7:12, note on Daniel 7:2 (“Son of Man”). Hades, Hades, Hades; Mosaic Tradition, where all the souls of the dead go, Deuteronomy 32:22 (“The Song of Moses”). 20:14 Lake of Fire: Describes Hell, 19:20, 20:10. This is the end of life and death in this world. Eternal death is separated from eternal life, 1 Corinthians 15:26, 54 (“Death has been swallowed up by victory”). The Second Death: Death, no longer dying, corrupting, and destroying the body, but turning into the permanent preservation of the body, in order to inflict torture “for eternity,” 14:11 (“The Scythe”). 21:1 New heaven and new earth: Rebirth of heaven and earth, replaying “Version 1” of God’s creation, that “very good” Utopia or “Kingdom of God” reappears, Genesis 1:31, Isaiah 65:17, 66:22. The Great Sea/No Existence: The Destruction of Resistance Symbolizing Sin, n. 20:13, Ps. 74:13, Job 26:12. 21:2 Bride: Personification, a metaphor for the saved congregation, eloquently called the New Jerusalem, “the wife of the Lamb”, 19:7, 21:9, Isaiah 61:10. 21:3 The great voice: “Husband”/Christ speaks. The Tabernacle of God: Restoring the Sanctuary, Restoring Zion. The people, laos, are also called the peoples, laoi, Ezekiel 37:27. With them personally: alluding to the name of the Son of Man: Immanuel, `immanu’el, “God with us”, Isaiah 7:14, Matt 1:23. The Father reaffirmed his covenant with the children of Israel, Exo 6:7, Lev 26:12. 21:4 Wipe away their tears: Same as 7:17, Isaiah 25:8. The tears of the righteous are wiped away by God, symbolizing retribution, Psalm 56:8. 21:5 Then he who was on the throne said, God has spoken. All things are renewed in me: the world is recreated because of Jesus’ “humility and obedience”, His death, suffering and resurrection, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Philippians 2:8, Col 1:16 (Praise of Christ). Most reliable and true, pistoi kai alethinoi, also the Lamb in heaven or Jesus after the resurrection, “in a royal robe and splattered with blood”, Revealed Name, 19:11-13; indicates that Christ is all things The origin, the words of creation, 3:14, John 1:3 (“In the beginning there was a word”). 21:6 It is finished, gegonan, finished, as in 16:17. God declares that he is done, echoing the “toring” words of Jesus on the cross contained in the Fourth Gospel: It is done, tetelestai, done, about 19:30. I am “Alpha” and “Omega”: the first and last letters of the Hebrew “God of Hosts”, ´elohe zeba´oth, referred to by the Greek initials and lasts, a metonymy for the source and destination of all things, 1 :8, 17, 22:13. Eternal end, telos, also means end, eternity, grand plan, John 13:1, 1 Corinthians 15:24, James 5:11. The fountain of life: Symbolizing the Holy Spirit, 22:1, John 4:14. 21:7 Victorious: The “remnant” of Israel who have been tested, “death conquers death”, n. 2:7, 3:21. I will be his God, and he will be my son: the covenant of the LORD with King David, 2 Sam 7:14; and the covenant of the Father with his people, Exo 6:7, Lev 26:12, Ezekiel 11 :20. 21:8…

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