Zhang Wenhong: Antiviral drugs must be used first

Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, said at an internal training meeting a few days ago that the vast majority of patients can be relieved within the “golden 72 hours”, thereby preventing the transition from mild to severe. He emphasized that during these precious 3 days, the new crown antiviral small molecule drugs should be used first. “Currently, the bed turnover in secondary and tertiary hospitals must be slow, and early mild patients are transferred to large hospitals. , see a doctor, and get water, which may delay and aggravate the condition. In the early stage of treatment, when there is no concurrent bacterial infection, the right medicine must be prescribed.” | Related reading (First Finance and Economics)


Zhang Wenhong’s speech seems quite down-to-earth. Recently, there has been controversy over whether to use hormones to treat positive patients. Some people say that in clinics in townships, symptoms are quickly relieved after using hormones. It is impossible to judge professionally whether such usage will cause long-term damage to the human body, but one thing is certain. In the early stage of the treatment of the new crown, that is, the “golden 72 hours” that Zhang Wenhong said, if the loss is not stopped in time, it will cause harm to the human body. The greater harm may exceed the threat of drug dosage. Because I observed that many friends on the Internet reported that they had mild pneumonia and went to the hospital. My personal opinion is that we should go to the hospital and go to the hospital for treatment. There is no need to have too much psychological burden.

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