ChatGPT Team Background Check

Source: Jungong Xiaoginseng

The ChatGPT team is less than 100 people (87 people in total). The analysis found that its salient features are “very young”, “luxurious background”, “focus on technology”, “profound accumulation”, “advocating entrepreneurship” and “eye-catching Chinese”.

The average age of the team is 32 years old, and the “post-90s” are the main force. The wave of large-scale language model technologies led by them fully demonstrates that young people who are often considered to be inexperienced in research and development are entirely possible to make major breakthroughs in the field of cutting-edge technology.

On November 30, 2022, OpenAI (a non-profit organization dedicated to artificial intelligence research in the United States) released ChatGPT, a natural language processing tool driven by a large language model. By learning and understanding human language, the tool is able to hold high-quality conversations with users, and even write emails, video scripts, copywriting, code, essays, and novels. Due to its superior performance among its peers, ChatGPT has exploded around the world just over two months after its launch. In addition to paying attention to the performance of ChatGPT itself, people in the industry pay more attention to the characteristics of the members of the AI ​​​​”dream team” that make them so unique in the field of global large-scale language model innovation technology.

According to OpenAI’s official website, there are 87 people who have contributed to the ChatGPT project (see the attachment for details). Statistical analysis is now carried out on the data of the team members’ job composition, age distribution, educational background, personnel flow, Chinese members, member contributions, gender distribution, etc., and their characteristics are summarized.

In the ChatGPT team, 6 people have graduated from Chinese universities, 3 of them graduated from Tsinghua University, 1 person graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Peking University/Hong Kong University, and 1 person graduated from Taiwan Jiaotong University ( as shown in the table below).

The text and pictures in this article are from the OSC open source community


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