My Bandwagon server was blown up this afternoon, and I got a lot of spam, so I had a reason to reinstall. Finally, you can use the server’s native IPv6~
It has been a year and a half since I last configured the shadowsocks server (2015.1). This installation can bring all the features that were not added last time:
- One-time authentication, it seems to be a feature that was added when I was playing with SSR
- chacha20, I didn’t add it last time because I was lazy
- KCPtun, since the android client has this function now, let’s install it too
Maybe a little faster…
By the way, by the way, configure an iptables to symbolically defend it.
update 161122:
The symbolic defense is broken by the casual offense, so some slightly more serious defenses are added:
- Disable root login and password login, and configure sudo by the way;
- Use ufw instead of directly configuring iptables;
- fail2ban (later found that the 0.8 version of debian 8 does not support the journalctl of debian 8…interesting)
The most important thing is to change an ip address
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