The Best Tips to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life (Official Microsoft Advice)

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After reading the official instruction manual about extending battery life , I realized that I was doing a lot wrong.

How to extend battery life?

All rechargeable batteries wear down over time. To maintain your battery health and performance, follow these tips (official recommendations from Microsoft ):

  1. A few times a week, let your battery drop below 50 percent before recharging.
  2. Avoid leaving your Surface Laptop plugged in 24/7 (unplug the charging cable as soon as the battery reaches 100%).
  3. Please store your device in a cool and dry environment. Do not work in humid or very hot environments, such as in the sun.
  4. If you plan to store your device for an extended period of time, charge the battery to 50% every six months.
microsoft-advices-to-prolong-laptop-battery-rotated 延长笔记本电脑电池寿命的最佳技巧(微软官方给的建议) 硬件 资讯

Microsoft’s Recommendations for Extending Laptop Battery Life

My Microsoft laptop ( Surface Laptop Studio ) is always plugged in as a workstation, so the battery doesn’t usually drop below 50% (only one accident: laptop battery dead but unable to initiate hibernation ).

English: Best Tips from Microsoft to Prolong the Lifespan of Surface Laptop Battery

There are a total of 355 Chinese characters in this article, count them right.

Best Tips to Extend Laptop Battery Life (Official Microsoft Recommendations) . ( AMP Mobile Accelerated Version )

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The post Best Tips to Extend Laptop Battery Life (Microsoft’s Official Suggestions) first appeared on Little Lai Zi’s UK Life and Information .

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