complicated day

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Today is the 59th day of being trapped in Shanghai. Today is also a special day. For others, it is a day to show affection.

Suddenly it was very uncomfortable, brushing the circle of friends, and depression. Show affection, or eat and drink outside, where to play, get together, really envy, free and unrestrained life. And I, in the past two months, didn’t even have a person to talk to, except my parents, just across a layer of cold screen. Being single is not good at all, especially in this situation.

Unexpectedly, April has been missing in my life, and now May is almost over. We’ve missed a spring, and now even summer is under constraints.

Gradually I forgot what the outside world looked like, and there was only one-third of this acre of space for activities every day. There is no hope, there is no hope, there are a lot of lies about the wolf coming, who will believe it.

Gradually approaching the day of graduation, the last moment of my student life falls into this embarrassing scene, the internship materials are not ready, and whether or not to graduate is still unknown. Now I even hope to delay graduation for a year. If it can be extended for a year, it is time to re-examine future plans. In any case, the immigration plan has to be advanced, and the first priority is to make up the English.

I don’t know what to say, this kind of life, being controlled by others, is really uncomfortable.

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