After the new crown virus infection, the number of “Yangkang” people gradually increased. Those who are used to regular exercise can’t wait to resume exercise, and those who are worried about the recurrence of the disease hope to lie down for a few more days to fully recover.
In fact, starting to exercise too early after an infection can aggravate the condition, and too late can delay the recovery of physical function . The best timing depends mainly on the individual’s usual health status, the severity of the infection and the duration of symptoms. According to your own situation, you can find the suitable starting time, increasing the amount of exercise, and the danger signs that prompt you to stop exercising immediately.
still have symptoms
do not do any exercise
After the human body is infected with the new coronavirus, when the symptoms have not disappeared or are being controlled by drugs, the body needs to rest to resist the virus and complete recovery. It is not recommended to do any deliberate exercise during this period . “Symptoms” here refer to fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, and diarrhea. Loss of smell or taste is not included, because these two items can last for a long time and have no obvious impact on exercise.
For daily activities, it is also recommended to only complete what you can do during this period . If you feel heart palpitations and shortness of breath when doing housework such as mopping the floor, try not to do it first, and finish it after the symptoms improve. When life or work requires a lot of physical activity, such as tidying up and carrying heavy objects, cycling or running fast for a long time, it is recommended to follow the steps below to return to exercise slowly.
Take more rest when you have symptoms 丨pixabay
symptoms gone
Take at least another 7 days off
After the symptoms disappear, you can try more daily activities, such as walking and simple cleaning, and slowly return to normal activity levels without causing discomfort. As for exercise, most people can use the following to determine when it’s time to resume exercise, but there are three categories of people who need a doctor’s approval to start exercising safely.
The first category is those with underlying diseases : such as chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, etc. After patients feel that the symptoms of the new crown have improved, doctors still need to consider when to start exercising based on the underlying diseases.
The second category is those who are seriously ill with the new crown : if they need to be hospitalized due to the new crown, diagnosed with pneumonia or respiratory failure, etc., the patient should complete the re-examination according to the discharge doctor’s order, and resume exercise with the doctor’s permission.
The third category is those who have experienced cardiopulmonary symptoms after infection : including chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, dyspnea, dizziness or syncope, edema, etc. that are not related to coughing. It is recommended to complete relevant examinations to rule out myocardial damage and lung problems before starting exercise.
After healthy young people are infected with the new coronavirus, about 0.7% have abnormal heart examination results, and 0.045% have myocarditis. Damage to the heart muscle may be exacerbated by exercise and even lead to cardiac arrest. If myocarditis is diagnosed, at least 3 to 6 months of rest are required.
If you do not belong to the above three categories, and the symptoms of infection are only fever, sore throat, cough or muscle pain, etc., you can start trying to resume sports if you meet all the following conditions:
1. Rest for at least 10 days after the onset of symptoms;
2. Rest for at least 7 days after symptoms disappear;
3. Drugs that relieve symptoms have been stopped;
4. Daily activities without discomfort;
5. Walk 500 meters on flat ground without obvious fatigue or dyspnea.
For infected persons who are completely asymptomatic, it is recommended to stop exercising for 10 days after a positive nucleic acid or antigen test is found.
In addition, for the health of others, please go out and participate in group sports after isolation according to the epidemic prevention requirements.
start exercising
Slow recovery through 5 stages
The time to start exercising depends on the health status before infection, the severity and recovery after infection, and the time to fully restore the original exercise habits is also related to the frequency, amount and intensity of previous exercise.
People who usually exercise less and moderately recover relatively quickly . It is recommended to choose familiar types of exercise first. The duration and intensity of the first to third exercises should be halved, and the fourth to sixth times should be increased to 75% of the pre-infection level. Uncomfortably try to recover fully.
If you were exercising regularly every week before this infection, each exercise lasted for a long time, sometimes the intensity was close to the maximum heart rate, and even participated in competitions from time to time, it is recommended to recover at a slower speed according to the following five stages (maximum heart rate = 220-age [age]).
The first few stages may be easy to do, but no stage should be skipped, and 5 stages should be completed before being considered for competition. After entering each stage, complete at least 1 or 2 exercises with the above standards, and then consider entering the next stage when you feel relaxed . The advanced time may be as short as a day or two, or it may be as long as several weeks.
In this way, counting from the onset of symptoms, it will take about half a month at the earliest to return to the previous exercise volume and intensity. The specific time varies from person to person . For example, those who are young, who only used brisk walking before, and who have mild symptoms of infection may recover in more than a week, while those who are older, who are preparing to participate in a marathon or football match, and who have severe symptoms may take several months. You must not force yourself to catch up with the progress when you see that others are doing well.
Moreover, even if you are not sick, people who exercise regularly will suffer from poor physical fitness and skills if they do not exercise for half a month. If you are too impatient when you start again, you are prone to sports injuries in terms of muscles and joints.
Don’t worry when recovering, take a break when you’re tired丨 pixabay
these red flags
stop exercising immediately
In the process of resuming sports, we need to watch for two types of red flags: signs of new coronavirus infection-related diseases, and signs of fatigue caused by excessive exercise.
Among those infected with the new coronavirus, a very small number of people will develop myocarditis or pulmonary embolism after symptoms such as fever improve. Although the overall risk in young people is low, these conditions can be exacerbated by exercise and even life-threatening. Therefore, if the following danger signs appear during the recovery of exercise, you need to stop exercising immediately and seek medical treatment in time : chest pain, obvious palpitations or rapid heartbeat, dyspnea that does not match the exercise intensity, leg swelling, etc.
Even if the recovery is normal, returning to exercise too early and too quickly will exceed the body’s tolerance, and the following symptoms may indicate the need for rest: fatigue or muscle soreness significantly higher than before infection, poor sleep quality, resting heart rate the next morning after exercise Increase more than 10 times/min. At this time, it is recommended to suspend exercise and rest for at least 1 to 2 days, and then restart the previous stage or step back a stage after the above-mentioned symptoms disappear .
In order to compare your fatigue levels before and after infection, try to choose the familiar type and method when you resume sports.
Cardiopulmonary Injuries Are Rare, But Can Be Dangerous丨Pixabay
children and teenagers
Start games and sports earlier
Here’s when and how to safely return to sport as an adult. Because children typically have milder symptoms than adults, they can resume physical activity earlier.
Children and adolescents should not exercise when the symptoms of infection do not disappear (excluding loss of smell and taste).
One day after the symptoms disappear, asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic infected persons (body temperature higher than 38°C <4 days, other symptoms duration <1 week) can start to resume the game after completing the isolation according to the epidemic prevention requirements and without discomfort in daily life and exercise . If symptoms are more severe, require hospitalization, or have underlying diseases, it is recommended to obtain the approval of a doctor before starting exercise.
As for recovery speed, children under the age of 12 can gradually increase the amount of exercise according to their own feelings. It is recommended that infected persons aged 12 and over first try to do light aerobic exercise for half an hour on their own, then resume daily full exercise, and finally participate in group exercise.
In the process of returning to exercise, it is recommended to gradually extend the time and increase the intensity, and ask children and adolescents themselves, their parents, teachers, and coaches to observe abnormal reactions during exercise. If chest pain, palpitations, abnormal shortness of breath or fainting occur, stop immediately Exercise and see a doctor promptly.
In addition to exercise, what else should be paid attention to after “Yangkang”?
Click on the video! All your concerns are here
In fact, this year, according to the characteristics of the recent virus strain and new research data, several authoritative organizations have advanced the time to start exercising after “Yangkang” until the symptoms disappear. On the first to third days, exercise at 50% of the intensity before infection for 15-30 minutes. Minutes, increase to 75% strength for 30 minutes on the 4th to 6th day, and you can fully recover without discomfort. This is a reflection of an effort to strike a balance between the risks and benefits of exercise.
However, for non-professional athletes, sports have been waiting for us to return, training and competition opportunities will follow, and long-term health and comfortable return may be more important.
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Author: Dai Tianyi
Edit: odette
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