Albion Ross

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This work was part of William Blake’s Large Book of Designs , printed in 1796 for the miniature painter Ozias Humphrey. In Black’s mythology, Albion was the primitive man whose fall and division resulted in the four Zoas: Urizen, Thamas, Luvah/Orc, and Urthona/Los. The name is derived from the ancient and mythical name of Britain – “Albion”. In the myth of the founding of the British state, Albion was the giant son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. He was a contemporary of Hercules, who killed him. Albion founded a nation on the island and ruled there. Britain, then named “Albion” after its founder, until Julius Caesar invaded Britain about 1100 years ago, when Brutus of Troy arrived and defeated the few remaining giants (as there was a group of Giants kill all other giants).

Here, Albion, the incarnation of man and Britain, is breaking free from the shackles of materialism.

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PS Did you know that Blake created the iconic Bible illustrations? This is his most famous red dragon , and it has entered not only museums, but popular culture!

27.2 x 20 cm


British Museum

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