Briefly introduce yourself or your blog?
Hello, everyone.Meng小羽And alsoDebug客栈of bloggers. This is a blogging platform that has been with me for eight whole years.
When I initially started this site, I just wanted to use it to record my study notes during college, as well as brush-ups from algorithmic competitions. Over time, the blog has grown into a multi-disciplinary technology sharing platform, and the scope of content has expanded from a single accumulation of technology to more diverse topics.
Debug客栈It’s now a “full-service grocery store”, as you can see here:
- Technology Accumulation and Sharing: An in-depth look at server-side development, cutting-edge technology, and other technical content;
- Technology anecdotes and product experiences: Share trial experiences and reviews of digital products;
- Hot Discussions: Focus on current events and talk about social issues and insights;
- Goodies & Software Recommendations: Recommends efficient and useful software and tools to color your life and work.
Currently, my occupation isServer-side Development EngineerI’ve been working in the field of system design, performance optimization, and service architecture for many years now. For a more detailed introduction to me, feel free to move to:About the Webmaster – Debug Inn。
Thank you for your interest in Debug Inn, and I look forward to growing with everyone here and exploring more interesting and valuable content!
What was the opportunity that made you start blogging?
My college major wasComputer Science and TechnologyCompared with other people of my age, I was exposed to the idea of the Internet earlier. From the beginning of my programming studies, I always used to search for relevant answers and solutions through Google when I encountered knowledge points or problems I didn’t understand. In this process, I gradually came into contact with thepersonal blogThis area.
What impressed me most was the early wave of the Internet, when people used to build personal blogs, the hottest of which was the Sina blog. And when I went to college, WeChat was rapidly rising, but as a computer-related major, having a homepage or site of your own is not only a way to build up your knowledge and tech stack, it’s something to be very proud of.
So, I started my blogging journey. From the first blog postSublime Text: The Sublime Text Editor.It started with a bang. After that, all kinds of study notes and competition-related articles were published on the blog one after another, drawing one wonderful footnote after another on my path of knowledge accumulation.
How did you accomplish the creation?
Initially, my site used theWordPressBy means of theLNMP(Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP) architecture for deployment and publishing. At that time, the writing process was very simple: I would create article titles in the background, arrange the writing of blog posts according to the priority, and polish the content and language organization over and over again. Of course, there were many articles that were “pigeonholed” for various reasons ?.
By 2023, my blog is complete!Site-wide static upgradeThe use of theHugostatic generation approach and deployed in theCloudflareOn. For writing tools, I have usedVSCodeI wrote blog posts for a while, but I never felt very comfortable writing, so I turned to theObsidianNow, my process is to create the title of the article in Obsidian. Right now, my process is to create the title of the article in Obsidian, finish the first draft and touch it up again, and finally copy it to VSCode for publishing.
In addition, the content of the blog will also be synchronized with the publication of the WeChat public number.Debug客栈“, welcome to the attention!
Ever lose motivation while running a blog?
If so, what was the reason for the recovery? If not, how do you keep your creative passion alive?
In running a blog this8年Ri, I never wanted to give up. On the contrary, I was passionate about folding. During this time, I changed my blog theme almost once a year and the site migrated from a dynamic to a static site. At the same time, I always kept updating my blog posts, though月更It’s a little hard for me ?, but季更Still holding steady. Over time, I’ve continued to improve my writing and have gradually built up some influence. At present, the number of people following the whole network is close to2万。
For me, blogging is not only a platform to record, but also a window to show my technical skills and influence. As an Internet practitioner, I always believe in the value of blogging: it not only allows me to systematically organize my knowledge, but also helps me meet many like-minded partners. In the process, I continue to learn and grow.
How do you set up a blog and the amount of money you need to invest each year to run it?
Currently, my blog setup is both easy and hassle-free, but it requires some basic programming skills. Below is the complete process I use to publish a blog post, which is somewhat similar to the creation steps mentioned earlier:
- Writing drafts at Obsidian: Complete the initial content of the blog post first;
- AI Rewriting and Proofreading: Use AI tools to touch up blog posts and check for typos;
- Uploading articles to GitHub: The blog posts are stored in a GitHub repository and I upload them via VSCode;
- Replacement of internal hyperlinks: Replace hyperlinks in VSCode for easy in-article linking;
- Commit code and merge branches: Push the article to GitHub’s dev branch, and then merge the commit to the main branch;
- Trigger Hugo compilation: Utilize Hugo Actions to generate articles as static pages;
- 部署到 Cloudflare Pages: Getting compiled web pages through Cloudflare Pages and distributing them globally;
- Access Articles: After completing the above steps, the article can be accessed through the website.
The current deployment approach is very cost-effective. With the help ofGitHub和Cloudflare PagesThe deployment quota and global distribution quota of Blog Warehouse are completely free. The only expense is the domain name registration fee, which is around ¥80 per year, so it can be said that it is a cost-effective solution for blog operation.
Recommend 1 post from your blog and talk about why!
This year, I’ve written a few articles centered around two main directions, haha, and I can’t help but recommend them:
Summary of technical areas
This series of articles focuses onPhoenix Concurrency FrameworkThe framework has been successfully applied to real business scenarios, and is well worth reading for technology enthusiasts. This framework has been successfully applied to real business scenarios, and is well worth reading for technology enthusiasts!
RSS Reading Software Recommendation
Recently, I’ve been promoting an open source RSS feed program –FollowIt’s the most user-friendly RSS program I’ve ever used. Among the RSS software I’ve used, it has the most friendly interactive experience and is very easy to use. I highly recommend this tool to take you to join the non-algorithmic information circle and control your own information flow.
I’ve organized both series below so you can pick and choose what you want to read based on your interests:
Phoenix Concurrency Framework Series:
- Phoenix Framework Designing a Business Concurrency Framework from 0 to 1 Xiaomi Mall Product Station Innovation Road
- Phoenix Framework Designing a Business Concurrency Framework from 0 to 1 How to Organize and Design a Framework
- Phoenix Framework Designing a Business Concurrency Framework from 0 to 1 Core Design of Concurrent Thread Pools
- Phoenix Framework Designing a Business Concurrency Framework from 0 to 1 Automatically Constructing Directed acyclic graph designs
Follow Share Series:
- Follow|Next Generation Information Browser
- Follow | Next Generation Information Browser, the second one is here!
- Follow gave me 1w tokens, so I can send unlimited codes.
- Why I’ll still be using RSS in 2023
Recommend 1 blog you like to read and talk about why!
I’m sure many of you who love to surf and read blogs have heard, at one time or another, about theRuan Yifeng’s WeblogThe “. I remember when I interned in 2019, when the subway commuter network wasn’t in the best shape, I spent a week reading Mr. Nguyen Nhat Phong’s articles from cover to cover. These articles covered his views on social issues, sharing of basic technologies, and his weekly updates on theTechnology Enthusiasts WeeklyI have benefited a lot from it.
Speaking of the weekly magazine, it’s one of my must-reads every Friday. Through Mr. Nguyen’s weekly magazine, I have been exposed to many novel ideas and developments in the tech scene, as well as discovered some quality articles and useful software shared by enthusiasts.5 years down the line, this weekly magazine has consistently delivered high-quality content output, which is worthy of recommending to all interested parties.
Recommend 1 recent favorite?
Examples include books, movies, music, tools, and software.
As an internet sharer, give a recommendation in each direction~
When it comes to books, I have to recommend to you Mr. Ma Boyong’s “Taibai Jinxing is a little bit annoying”, know how to understand naturally, haha, the Buddha said that can not be said can not be said, while you can still read, recommended to you, through this book, you can also understand the law of the functioning of society.
You may also want to read Mr. Ma’s other book, “Lychee in Chang’an,” to see how the lychee made the princess smile.
Truman’s World, there’s nothing more iconic than Truman’s lines during and at the end of the episode:
Good morning, and in case i don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
If we look at Truman’s world, aren’t we living in “Truman’s world” all the time?
Recommended recently listened to more and more shocking Cutter Lang teacher (Luo Lin) of the “As I heard” music album, in fact, the Buddhist “Diamond Sutra”, Cutter Lang teacher composed and sang, a total of 32 products, recommended to everyone to listen to.
None more so than the note-taking tool, the same tool I’m using to write this Answering Blogger Interview Questions blog post, Obsidian.
Markdown is friendly, syncs across devices based on iCloud, and has a beautiful and powerful UI.
Without further ado, see the Follow recommendation article upstairs.
Want to do something that hasn’t been done yet?
When it comes to unfulfilled wishes, I have always wanted to visit Tibet. 2023, I visited Yunnan Province, passing through Shangri-La, and deeply felt the simplicity and warmth of the Tibetan compatriots. This trip made me long for that mysterious plateau even more, and made me glad to live in a country that is the “third pole of the world”.
Nowadays, the only thing that seems to be holding me back is a “ticket” to Tibet. I hope that in the next five years, I will be able to set foot on this land closest to the sky, to feel the pious faith, to experience the passion of the snowy plateau, and to feel the unique sense of happiness in the absence of oxygen. This is my longing for the top of the snowy region, as well as my heart’s desire.
As you write this, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths for a few minutes, or go out for a walk, then come back and write whatever you want.
Good morning, and in case i don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Questionnaire Address:Bloggers ah, I want to interview you on these 9 questions! – Another Dayu
Finally, thank you for reading, you can also share in the comments section with your life and all, let’s become stronger together ~!