Beef, Repressed Emotions and a Catch-22

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Beef is a popular drama on Netflix recently. It starts with a road rage incident between two strangers. With the development of the plot, the grievances between the two people have become more and more serious, and their lives have begun to develop out of control. .

spoiler alert

about repressed emotions

From the initial road rage incident, it can be seen that the mental state of these two people is not right, and the other party just became a good vent. Amy spent two years, thought hard, held various meetings, but still did not sell her company; Danny is a blue-collar struggling at the bottom of life, and has already had the idea and action of committing suicide. Then why can they only vent their road rage, but not to their relatives and friends?

This involves East Asian culture. In traditional East Asian families, giving and tolerance are more important than communication and sharing. Both the hero and heroine grew up in this environment, but Amy is more capable and has her own career. After Amy got home from Road Rage, she wanted to talk to her husband, but was interrupted; when Danny got home, his younger brother was playing a game, so he could only pretend that his younger brother was listening, and then recounted the process. Although she was still very angry, she immediately switched to the smiling face mode when she received a call from her parents. This is exactly the same as Amy. After driving home, Amy also switched to the smiling face mode immediately. It was only when her husband noticed that she had the opportunity to tell the whole process. But the husband couldn’t empathize, but asked her to stop and take a deep breath.

Because many things cannot be said to relatives or friends, so strangers become an outlet instead. Amy opened up to the counselor and talked about Unconditional Love; Danny revealed his pressure to George.

After the road rage incident, Amy and Danny became their own good emotional releasers, and because of these mutual venting, more people were involved, and things became more and more out of control.

About Catch-22

In episode 9, Amy (borrowing Danny’s body) says:

As long as I can remember, that’s what being alive feels alike.

For as long as I can remember, this (catch-22) is what it’s like to be alive

Catch-22 tells this story: the protagonist joins the war because of his patriotism, but after facing the war, he finds that he is only a banner for the interests of the upper class, so he wants to retire. It turns out that he must meet the requirements of “Catch-22”, such as “You can be discharged from the army if you are crazy, but you need to write a report to prove that you are crazy, but you can write a report to prove that you are not crazy, so you cannot be discharged from the army.” Catch-22 uses this contradictory rule to force soldiers to keep fighting. In the end, the protagonist couldn’t bear the decision, and after resisting, he found that there was no such so-called Catch-22 in the army. But everyone still defaults to the existence of this military rule.

The lives of the hero and heroine are just like those described in the novel, they want to escape but cannot escape. There is also a point mentioned in the play: This book was originally called Catch-18, but it was later changed to Catch-22 by the editor, which also highlights the sense of powerlessness from another aspect.

In episode 9, the conversation between Amy and Danny reminds me of the conversation between Bojack and Diane on the roof in the last episode of Bojack, and the tonality of the two shows is a bit similar.

Why Jordan Died This Way

Jordan represents the upper class and is what Amy wanted to achieve. Her death caused this illusion to collapse. On the other hand, the conflict between Amy and Danny finally made them see themselves in each other, embrace their own shortcomings, let go of their vigilance and conceit, and come together.


  • In this article, you can see the source of the title of each episode, and the screenwriter is quite careful.
  • This article describes the creation process of the artworks in the film (such as the moon chair, Jordana’s crown, George’s sculpture, etc.).
  • This article explains why the title of the film is “Beef”.

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