Bringing cakes to the office is harming colleagues, warns UK food watchdog chief

Susan Jebb, chair of the Food Standards Agency and professor of diet and population health at the University of Oxford, said in The Times that we all think of ourselves as rational, intelligent, well-educated people who always make wise choices, but we underestimate environmental impact. I don’t eat any cake for a day if no one brings cake to the office. But someone brought it, I ate it, and I made a choice. This choice is akin to walking into a smoky bar. We now know that passive smoking is bad for your health, and so is passive eating of food. We now know that we need to work on reducing smoking, but we have yet to feel the same way about food. She also criticized the UK government for delaying plans to ban junk food ads before 9pm, saying it was unfair that advertising meant the businesses with the most money had the most influence over people’s behaviour. When you get a chocolate ad instead of a cauliflower ad, our market is totally failing when it comes to health.

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