Leidi.com Lei Jianping December 13
Shanghai Chuangmi Shulian Intelligent Technology Development Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: “Chuangmi Shulian”) has been terminated its IPO a few days ago. It submitted a prospectus in June 2022, preparing to be listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s Growth Enterprise Market.

Chuangmi Datalink had planned to raise 644 million yuan, of which 406 million yuan was used for the industrialization project of the new generation of smart home, 154 million yuan was used for the Chuangmi cloud platform development project, and 84.02 million yuan was used for the R&D center construction project.
Annual revenue 1.533 billion
The main business of Chuangmi Datalink is the research and development, design, production and sales of smart home products. It is committed to becoming a product and service provider with home safety as the core, providing multi-category whole-house smart home products and services.
Chuangmi Datalink takes home safety as the core, understands the intelligent needs of users in the living environment, and establishes three types of scenarios and service systems: physical security, environmental security, and system security.

According to the prospectus, Chuangmi Shulian’s revenue in 2019, 2020, and 2021 will be 875 million yuan, 1.124 billion yuan, and 1.533 billion yuan respectively; net profits will be 26.634 million yuan, -88.129 million yuan, and 60.4236 million yuan; The post-net profits were 23.38 million yuan, 53.03 million yuan, and 105 million yuan respectively.
Xiaomi is a shareholder
Before the IPO, Deng Hua directly held 17.99% of the shares, and indirectly held 1.77% and 0.27% of the shares through Shanghai Chuangying and Shanghai Lingxin. The total shares held accounted for 20.03% of the company’s total share capital before the issuance. A major shareholder.

Deng Hua directly holds 17.99% of the voting rights corresponding to the shares, indirectly controls 16.51% of the voting rights corresponding to the shares through serving as the executive partner of Shanghai Chuangying, and actually controls the voting rights corresponding to 34.50% of the company’s shares. The resolutions of the general meeting and the board of directors have a major impact.
Xiaomi Group holds an 8.52% stake in the company through Tianjin Jinxing, which it controls.
As one of the company’s important customers, the company’s affiliated sales to Xiaomi Group were 779.4 million yuan, 850 million yuan, and 916 million yuan in each reporting period, accounting for 89.09% and 75.69% of the company’s operating income in each period. and 59.79%.
For Xiaomi customized products in the sharing mode, after the final sales of Xiaomi Group’s various channels, Xiaomi Group will share the profits generated by it according to the ratio agreed by both parties. Therefore, the company’s share of profits depends on the final sales of Xiaomi Group.
In addition, Shanghai Chuangchuan holds 7%, Zhizheng Chuangyi holds 6.41%, Li Jianxin holds 4.5%, Dachen Chuanghong holds 4.25%, Shanghai Chuanglu holds 4.2%, Pingtan You The joint shareholding is 3.5%, and the shareholding of China Securities Investment is 3.18%.

After the IPO, Deng Hua directly held 16.19% of the shares, Shanghai Chuangying held 14.86%, Shanghai Lingxin held 10.53%, Tianjin Jinxing held 7.67%, and Shanghai Chuangchuan held 6.3%;
Zhizheng Chuangyi holds 5.77%, Li Jianxin holds 4.05%, Dachen Chuanghong holds 3.83%, Shanghai Chuanglu holds 3.78%, Pingtan Youhe holds 3.15%, and China Securities Investment holds Shares are 2.86%.

(Disclaimer: This article only represents the author’s point of view, not the position of Sina.com.)
This article is reproduced from: https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/csj/2022-12-15/doc-imxwthtz9628416.shtml
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