click continue, ok

Original link:

Under the epidemic, most of the training has become a mixed mode of “online + offline”. Here we have to ridicule the “online” training, especially to meet the requirement of a certain “video duration”.

Just watch it, and it also restricts multi-tab, multi-browser, and multi-terminal viewing at the same time. It’s disgusting that the “click to continue” pop-up window every ten minutes will only record the viewing time. What’s even more disgusting is that the quality of video courses has no lower limit… …

Okay, unlocking this limit “console” a few lines of JavaScript Dafa should be enough! Because these restrictions are basically “local” restrictions rather than “server” authentication.

The basic idea is to simulate manual clicks, directly call completion functions, and simulate AJAX submissions. The following 5 sites have been completed:


Simulate click 1

Applicable website:

Realize the effect: when the “click to continue” button pops up, click it automatically! (And let the video start from the beginning so 1 video can be watched all the time.)


 function Click (){ var elE = document. getElementsByClassName ( "alarmClock-wrapper" )[ 0 ], disPlay = elE . style . display ; if ( disPlay == 'none' ){ console . log ( "正常" ) } else { elE . click (); document. querySelector ( "video" ). currentTime = 0 ; console . log ( "自动点击成功!!!!!!" ) } } setInterval ( "Click();" , 10000 );

Simulate click 2

Applicable website:

 function Click (){ var elE = document. getElementsByClassName ( "layui-layer-btn0" )[ 0 ]; var elEx = !! elE ; if ( ! elEx ){ console . log ( "监测中……" ) } else { elE . click (); console . log ( "自动点击成功!!!!!!" ) } } setInterval ( "Click();" , 10000 );

call completion function 1

Applicable website:

Achievement effect: spike! After entering the code and press Enter, it is completed directly! Click on the next video to go!

 var PI = parseInt( duration ); SetVideoFinish ( PI );

Mock AJAX commit 1

Applicable website:

Achievement effect: spike! ! ! Find a video longer than 5 minutes, click to play, throw in the code, and complete the departure~

 var date = new Date(); var sec = date . getSeconds (); date . setSeconds ( sec - video_times + 100 ); var y = date . getFullYear (); var m = ( date . getMonth () + 1 ) < 10 ? ( "0" + ( date . getMonth () + 1 )) : ( date . getMonth () + 1 ); var d = date . getDate () < 10 ? ( "0" + date . getDate ()) : date . getDate (); var h = date . getHours () < 10 ? ( '0' + date . getHours ()) : date . getHours (); var f = date . getMinutes () < 10 ? ( '0' + date . getMinutes ()) : date . getMinutes (); var s = date . getSeconds () < 10 ? ( '0' + date . getseconds ()) : date . getSeconds (); var formatdate = y + '/' + m + '/' + d + " " + h + ":" + f + ":" + s ; var NowSecond = parseInt( video_times - 100 ); var start_time = formatdate ; var sftb = navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( 'Chrome' ) > - 1 ; $ . ajax ({ url : "/ProjectService/Add_user_train_course_log" , type : "Post" , async : sftb , data : { "project_id" : PROJECTID , "class_id" : CLASSID , "rw_id" : TASKID , "pz_id" : PZHIID , "course_id" : EXAMID , "vid" : video_id , "vtime" : video_times , "now_seconds" : NowSecond , "timestr" : start_time , "upcode" : update_code , "course_name" : course_name , "video_name" : c_video_name } , success : function ( data ) {} , error : function ( XMLHttpRequest , textStatus , errorThrown ) {} });

Mock AJAX commit 2

Applicable website:

Realized effect: 1080-minute video courses are completed at 5 times speed, and the same course will automatically play the next one.

 var i = $ ( '.current' ). index (); vvp (); function vvp (){document. querySelector ( "video" ). pause ();} function Up (){ $ . ajax ({ url : "" , data : { id : currPlayCoursecontentId , circleId : jsp_circleId , studyMins : 5 }, dataType : "json" , type : "post" , success : function ( n ) { console . log ( n . progress ); if ( n . progress == '100' ){ i ++ ; if ( i < $ ( ".cvtb-MCK-course-content" ). length ){ $ ( ".cvtb-MCK-course-content" )[ i ]. click (); setTimeout ( vvp , 2000 ); console . log ( "第" + i + "个已完成,自动下一个" ); } else { console . log ( "本课程已完成" ); } } } }) } setInterval ( "Up();" , 60000 );

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This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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