Cui Dongshu from the Passenger Federation: China’s auto export market has shown strong growth in the past two years


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Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Passenger Passenger Association, said in a document on the 25th that since 2021, with the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the world, the strong resilience of China’s auto industry chain has been fully reflected, and China’s auto export market has experienced super growth in the past two years. In 2021, the sales volume in the export market will be 2.19 million units, a year-on-year increase of 102%. From January to November 2022, the sales volume in the export market will be 3 million units, a year-on-year increase of 51%. In November, China exported 375,000 automobiles, an increase of 69% year-on-year, showing a strong performance. Compared with the flat domestic automobile sales in November, the performance of the export market is still strong. In the past two years, China’s exports have grown significantly under the international epidemic situation. (Securities Times)
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