Deploy a memos as personal microblogging site and memo

Original link:

I deployed a memos on the pve-debian11 machine, which is a recently popular open source version of flomo, completely free and open source, and there are many third-party applications driven by the community, such as iOS/Android client, Chrome plug-in, Telegram Bots and more. I also deploy a play.

Direct docker run

docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v /mnt/seagateFour/dockerdata/memos:/var/opt/memos neosmemo/memos:0.11.2

How to update memos

Update memos to 0.12.0.jpg

stop existing container

 docker stop memos # 或者docker container stop memos

delete existing container

 docker container rm memos

Pull the latest image (2023-04-05)

 # 我喜欢拉取具体版本的镜像,不喜欢拉取tag 是latest 的镜像docker pull neosmemo/memos:0.12.0

Start the container

 docker run -d --name memos -p 5230:5230 -v /mnt/seagateFour/dockerdata/memos:/var/opt/memos neosmemo/memos:0.12.0

It is the most verbose way to delete the existing container above, and it is also possible to directly rm, but each step is the most specific.

A port is exposed through OpenWrt to serve it, and a reverse proxy is made on the soft routing nginx layer. Now the service address is

Then I added another layer of reverse proxy to it, mainly to get rid of the port number. The new service address is , but this address is proxied and forwarded by Cloudflare, so it will be a little slow. Personally, I still use the address of 15230 directly, and everyone is welcome to register.

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