Depth of electric vehicle industry: discussing the benefits of high-voltage fast charging from the perspective of technical principles (with report)


1. Fast Charge Definition and Implementation Path

Definition: Fast charging is fast charging, and the measurement unit can be expressed by the charging rate (C). The higher the charging rate, the shorter the charging time.

Implementation path: There are two paths to shorten the charging time, which are the high-current scheme and the high-voltage scheme. Among them, high-current fast charging has the disadvantages of serious energy loss, low conversion efficiency, and a large burden on the thermal management system. High-voltage fast charging has the advantages of high energy conversion efficiency and low heat, which can effectively relieve users’ anxiety about battery life and is the mainstream trend in the future.

2. High-voltage fast charging benefit link: material upgrade and component upgrade

Material upgrade: 1) Fast charge negative electrode: three modification routes: granulation, carbonization, and silicon doping; 2) Carbon nanotube: can accelerate lithium ion transfer, improve the conductivity of silicon carbon negative electrode, improve structural stability, and be compatible with silicon carbon negative electrode Complement each other; 3) New lithium salt LiFSI: It is more suitable for fast charging system and alleviates the problem of rapid movement of lithium ions and thermal effects under fast charging.

Device upgrade: A number of components enjoy the logic of increasing volume and price. 1) Motor: flat wire + oil cooling to improve motor power density and efficiency; 2) Electronic control and vehicle power supply: the advancement of silicon carbide device application solutions; 3) Relay: equipped with 5-8 high-voltage DC relays, which is a new energy 4) Film capacitors: smooth and filter the output voltage of the rectifier and absorb high-amplitude pulse currents, which can replace electrolysis and become the preferred solution; 5) High-voltage connectors: Under the 800V platform, the technology iteration is accelerated, and the ASP is greatly increased. promote. 6) Fuse: The excitation fuse will be more suitable for high-voltage systems and conform to the trend of 800V architecture.

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