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Source: Xinzhiyuan
There is such a true fan of Tesla who put the car key in his hand.
Now, he has a new way to unlock Tesla: just raise his hand, and he can open the door.
In fact, this is not the first time he has implanted chips in his body.
Now, the chip in his left hand is the house key, and the chip in his right is the Tesla key.
Surgery is a bit scary
First, let’s take a look at what this key looks like.
In addition to the chip body, the package also comes with a “metal bar” that needs to be installed…

Before implantation, it is necessary to sterilize.

Now, you can intuitively feel what it feels like to be pierced by this “metal rod”.
This is too thick! Just looking at it makes my whole body go numb…

After the chip key is installed, the door can be opened by hand.
Locking the door is the same process – put the back of the handle and swipe it a few times.
Is it very “convenient”?

After entering the car, scan it again to start it.

Although in use, it does not seem to be more convenient than ordinary remote control keys, but there is really no need to worry about forgetting or losing the key.
One is not enough, one more
Interestingly, this Tesla car key is already the second chip Dalaly has implanted.
The first chip is equivalent to a key to “open” him and his home. It stores house keys, contact cards, medical information, vaccination cards, etc., and even his own portfolio.
Scan it with your mobile phone and you can access the corresponding information.

Regarding the feeling of implantation, Dalaly said: “The first chip is pre-loaded into a syringe. Just push the syringe in, and the chip will pop out, which is the same as implanting a chip in a dog.” The surgical process Not even an anesthetic was used.
Despite the small size, Dalaly was still in pain for about a month.
When the second chip was implanted, the huge “metal rod” that was just seen was needed, so Dalaly decisively chose anesthesia.
In terms of safety, the chips implanted in the body are coated with biocompatible substances. Once implanted, the body wraps the chip in its own tissue.

It is understood that the chip Dalaly uses to unlock Tesla is VivoKey Apex, a contactless NFC secure element chip.
Dalaly now works at Vivokey and is part of a testing group of 100 people. They are testing the VivoKey Apex chips that can make secure transactions and run Java Card applets.

The company has its own app store and can use a chip to wirelessly install apps into users’ bodies. One of the apps is a Tesla key card, and Dalaly happens to have a Tesla. So he didn’t do it again and again, and simply put the key into his body.

Dalaly has always been at the forefront of new technology due to work reasons. “To me, it makes sense, like a fun party trick. And when the chip glows green under the skin, it’s really cool.” So, is this the geek version of the hole puncher ? .
Dalaly’s idea: “I have the house key in my left hand and the car key in my right. The cool thing is, once it’s approved, I can wirelessly activate my chip for credit card transactions, and then I can use it anywhere. There is a place to tap the payment terminal to swipe my chip.”
Sounds good, but what if the chip is accidentally used, or hacked? For example, could a nearby credit card machine accidentally scan the chip in your hand and take the money?
Dalaly explained that the chip must be very close to the machine to be read within a few millimeters, which is actually the same as using Apple Pay on a mobile phone, the only difference is that you use your own hands.

What you may not expect is that such a wave of operations is actually quite cheap – only $400.
“Because I’m a tester myself, the chip costs only $300 and the installation fee is $100,” Dalaly said.
However, as early as 2019, there appears to be a similar implementation.

Netizen God Comments
Obviously, if it is just a car key, it is still quite far from the world in “Cyberpunk 2077” or “Ghost in the Shell”.

For Dalaly’s behavior of implanting chips, foreign netizens also launched a big discussion.
There is a discussion of car keys:
A: “I don’t understand. I have a 2018 Ford Fusion, and if the key is in my pocket, I just touch the door handle and the door will unlock. Is it necessary to take a step back.”
B: “I have a Toyota Camry, and if I have the key on me, as soon as I touch the handle, it will automatically unlock. Touch the outside of the handle and it will lock. This guy is ridiculous.”

But to be reasonable, considering the effective distance of this chip, there should be no need to worry about relay attacks.
C: “Ah yes yes yes, it’s fun, fun, until someone chops off your hand for stealing a car.
Obviously the other hand is also not safe, because the goal of storing virtual coins is more tempting.
If I bury the key to my billions of coins near my heart, it’s super safe, because to get to it, someone would have to cut my chest. Nobody would do that… right? “
D: “If someone stole your ring, if you lose it, you lose it.
But if someone wants to chop off your hand, you’ll be in more trouble than forgetting your keys?. ”

E: “The routine in the movie tells me that eventually this guy must lose his hand in order to open a door.”
There are serious academic discussions:
F: “I think this article is very dishonest because it focuses on the Tesla key and hides the really interesting part.
I read this and it’s actually a tiny SOC that contains a phone app that people can use to rewrite what’s installed, and an entire marketplace of apps available. He just looked at the list of apps available and found that one of them was a key Tesla app, which he thought would be a useful app since he owns a Tesla.
If you’re the kind of person who’s interested in biohacking, you’ll understand that this is actually a very interesting advancement. “
G: “When I was in college in 1996, I read I, Cyborg, by cybernetics professor Kevin Warwick. It’s nothing new.
Decades ago, he did this to control the lights on campus and automatically log on to a computer. He went further and connected the nerves in his hands directly to the computer, which his wife did too, so they could send impulses through the nerves, the computer, the internet, and then send back the nerve stimulation and essentially ‘feel’ ‘ communicate with each other. That’s the really cool stuff. ”

Think of the year 3022, when people with synthetic bodies would talk about the history of human-machine interfaces and augmented bodies—
The story begins a thousand years ago in 2022, when our ancestors first implanted small chips with simple functions to open doors or start a car.
Then people started replacing damaged body parts with prosthetics, or boosting their sense of self-worth with built-in vibrators (which still required changing batteries at first ?).
Soon, every baby born was implanted with at least one implant.
Let’s get back to reality.
So, would you consider having a chip in your hand to unlock your smart car?
Do you want to become a cyborg?

(Disclaimer: This article only represents the author’s point of view and does not represent the position of Sina.com.)
This article is reproduced from: http://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/csj/2022-08-23/doc-imizirav9333253.shtml
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