Zuckerberg reportedly said the deals would help Facebook determine the actual market value of user data and help the company set an “open price” for developers. Facebook told the media that the company ultimately decided not to pursue this trading strategy.

According to foreign media reports, Facebook’s ECO Mark Zuckerberg has considered trading user data with third-party app developers to help himself understand the value of user data.
Despite Facebook’s public commitment to protecting user information, the report cites 4,000 leaked internal documents that reveal how Facebook executives feel about the relationship between user data and financial interests.
Zuckerberg has considered 100 deals with app developers that could potentially sell access to user data, the report said. And Zuckerberg said the goal “isn’t to deal,” but to understand “how much developers are actually paying.”
Zuckerberg reportedly said the deals would help Facebook determine the actual market value of user data and help the company set an “open price” for developers. Facebook told the media that the company ultimately decided not to pursue this trading strategy.
Zuckerberg has said that Facebook will never sell user information without their consent.
One executive described Zuckerberg as a “guru of leverage,” according to documents obtained by Reuters.
The documents come from a California court case between Facebook and software company Six4Three. Six4Three has developed an app where people can pay to find photos of users in swimsuits. In 2015, the Six4Three app was shut down after Facebook changed its policy on sharing user data with third-party app developers.
Some of the documents have been released by British MP Damian Collins, who has been investigating Facebook’s data practices. The new documents were anonymously leaked to a British investigative journalist and then shared by a handful of media outlets,media said.
Facebook has said the “carefully selected” documents are misleading. Foreign media said it could not confirm whether the documents reflected the full picture of the facts.
Last year, Facebook was revealed to have improperly shared user data with the now-defunct political consultancy Cambridge Analytica. Since then, there have been calls for greater regulation around the world, with some even suggesting breaking up big tech companies to address the industry’s privacy concerns.
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