How to Fix Kindle Not Accessible on M1 Series Devices

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When using M1, I encountered a very troublesome problem that M1 could not recognize my Kindle , and the system could not automatically load the M1 device , which led to the fact that I am used to importing annotations and using Klib to manage them, which is equivalent to using the functions of Kindle Not complete.

Using the system tool that comes with macOS, you can also see the disk of the system Kindle, but it cannot be loaded.

d2b5ca33bd970f64a6301fa75ae2eb22-29-1024 Display of Disk Utility

If you use Disk Utility to try to load, it will also report error -119930872 .

d2b5ca33bd970f64a6301fa75ae2eb22-30-1024 error message

Unable to load using system tools.


After referring to jakevin’s sharing , I used the following method to solve my Kindle mounting problem.

Query external devices

Execute the following command, you can use the diskutil that comes with the system to check which disks are currently available. I added grep here to filter out devices with only external disks.

 diskutil list | grep external -A2


Manually mount the device

Execute the following command to manually mount Kindle.

 sudo mkdir /Volumes/Kindle # 创建一个新的挂载点,挂载Kindle sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk4 /Volumes/Kindle/ # 使用mount 命令,挂载/dev/disk4(你根据需要换成你自己的设备。)

Generally speaking, the default format of Kindle is fat32 format, so use the above command, but if your Kindle is in ex-fat format, you can use the following command to mount.

 sudo /sbin/mount_exfat /dev/disk4 /Volumes/Kindle/ #这里使用的是mount_exfat。

By doing so, the M1 can recognize the Kindle.


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