Intel’s next-generation Sapphire Rapids-based data center processors finally have time to release. The chip giant has announced that it will hold a data center launch event on January 10, 2023, which will include fourth-generation Sapphire Rapids-based Xeon processors. Sapphire Rapids CPUs were first scheduled to be released in mid-2021, then delayed to the first quarter and first half of 2022, and now to early 2023. The exact delivery date of the new processors is unknown. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, in an interview last month about the ongoing delays in Sapphire Rapids, put the blame on the previous leadership, saying it won’t be the case for future products. Sapphire Rapids is similar to the 12th-generation Core processor, using Intel 7 process, but only has large cores, no performance E cores, and is expected to contain up to 60 cores. Sapphire Rapids supports DDR5 memory, PCI Express 5.0 and Compute Express Link (CXL) 1.1.
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