Investing well always has to be ambitious

Zorro: To invest well, you must always be ambitious

Original Zhang Yankun’s in-depth value investment circle2023-01-20 13:14

How to stay ambitious Many friends lost confidence in investing as soon as the stock market continued to fall. How do we study how to prevent and avoid those unfavorable factors that destroy our confidence? First of all, it is necessary to cut off all the things that are not related to the fundamentals, which is to completely shield those things that have nothing to do with the fundamentals; secondly, we try to use our spare funds for stock investment instead of short-term It may be necessary to use the money or increase leverage; then, you need to keep thinking about your own investment philosophy, that is, investment experience, to improve the ability to resist interference.

We focus on the research and prediction of the fundamentals and long-term future development. We do not focus on short-term and medium-term things, or some macroeconomic things that we are unable to predict. We have done too much research and are not immersed in On low-probability events, immersed in low-efficiency things, we focus on investment, and then we study how to prevent and avoid those unfavorable factors that destroy our confidence? First of all, it is necessary to cut things that are not related to the fundamentals, that is, completely shield those things that have nothing to do with the fundamentals; The money that may be used in the short term or increased leverage; then, we need to constantly think about our investment philosophy and not be disturbed by other things around us. We focus on the research and prediction of fundamentals and future long-term development Taking a long-term view without paying too much attention to short-term and medium-term issues is itself some macroeconomic issues that we are unable to predict. Try to do direct and concise corporate research, do not indulge in short-term low-probability events, do not indulge in low-efficiency things, we only focus on one or two most important things in investment: standing in front of excellent companies, not counting dark blessings, and constantly thinking above.

For those who do great things, maintaining ambition is a must for success, and no slack is allowed. On the way to the marathon, endurance is our strongest moat. Confidence in investment mainly comes from a deep understanding of the nature of things. Part of it comes from financial intelligence and emotional intelligence, the degree of understanding of common sense, daily things, and laws; the other half of confidence comes from the depths of a person’s character. Some people are born pessimistic, hesitant, depressed, impulsive, passionate, etc. Some people are born without self-improvement, and do not find the cause of any problem on themselves, and will immediately blame others and blame others. There are also some people who can’t see the essence of things, and don’t have a long-term perspective to look at problems. They are always superficial and conditioned.

As for these personality problems that will constitute a serious obstacle to investment, if there is no change in investment, it is almost impossible to succeed in investment. Therefore, most of us need to cultivate our character when we invest. Although it may be very strenuous and difficult to cultivate, because changing our character is not something that can be done overnight.

Therefore, people with different personalities have different interpretations of investment. Our anchor points are different from those of market participants. What they anchor is the change and fluctuation of market conditions, and what we anchor is the certainty of the future growth of the company. This is the important meaning of being with the best companies or the best people, to be together, to be different, to create future miracles together, and to complete the continuous accumulation of wealth together.

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