JS implements countdown function

I. Introduction

When the website is doing an activity, a prompt will appear with a countdown to the deadline. The effect is as shown in the figure:

2. Analysis

①Reminder time is constantly changing every second, you need to use timer (setInterval)

 //1000表示每隔一秒变化一次,单位为毫秒setInterval(countDown, 1000);

②The three boxes are assigned values ​​through innerHTML, and the hours, minutes, and seconds are placed

③ Calculate the time from the current time to the deadline (timestamp: not the current time, but how many milliseconds have passed since January 1, 1970)

 new Date()

④ The timestamp of the deadline minus the timestamp of the current time

⑤ Calculate the hour, minute, and second (the result is converted into an integer) by the number of milliseconds and assign it to the box

3. Code

html part

 <div>         <span class="hour">1</span> <strong>:</strong>         <span class="minute">2</span> <strong>:</strong>         <span class="second">3</span> </div>

css part

 <style>         span {             /* Convert span mode, so that span can set width and height */             display: inline-block;             width: 40px;             height: 40px;             background-color: #333;             

The post JS Implementing a Countdown Function first appeared on Lenix Blog .

This article is reprinted from https://blog.p2hp.com/archives/9292
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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