Original link: https://ifmet.cn/posts/9ece64cc/
Brief Description: Explain the basic usage, principles, and usage scenarios of Lambda
expressions in detail.
This article was originally published on ” Xie Zang’s Small Station “, and is reproduced here simultaneously.
Lambda expressions
[captures](params) mutable exception -> ret {body}
• Capture table columns, capturing variables in the current scope, separated by commas
• parameter list
• The optional qualifier, optional, mutable allows changing captured-by-value variables within the body of the function
• exception specifier, optional, noexcept
• Return value type, optional, in most cases can be automatically deduced by the compiler
• Function body
capture list
[var] Capture by value, copy var to Lambda scope by value, cannot be modified by default
[&var] capture by reference, captures the reference of var into the lambda scope
[=] captures the value of all variables in its scope
[&] captures references to all variables in the scope
[this] In the member function of the class, capture the current this pointer
Initialize capture
Initialization capture: C++14 support, when capturing variables, you can
• Specify the name of the data member in the closure class
• Direct capture of the result of an expression
• Lambda expressions:
Rvalue expression, which is part of the source code, instructs the compiler to generate the corresponding closure class and closure object
• Closure class:
Generated by the compiler at compile time based on Lambda expressions, each Lambda expression has a corresponding unique closure class
• Closure:
The closure class instance created at runtime, the call to the Lambda expression is to call the member function of this instance
Divided into闭包类– 捕获变量
and闭包类– 不捕获变量
Lambda expression usage scenarios
• Create variables to store lambda expressions
• Lambda expressions as function parameters
• Lambda expressions as class data members
• Using containers to store lambda expressions
Defining Lambda Expression Variables with auto and decltype
auto f = [ y ] ( int x ) { return x * y ; } ; //右值初始化auto f2 = f ; //拷贝decltype ( f ) f3 = std :: move ( f ) ; //移动auto && f4 = [ y ] ( int x ) { return x * y ; } ; //右值引用绑定右值const auto & f5 = f4 ; //常量左值绑定
Parameterizing Lambda Expression Types Using Templates
template < typename F > void fn1 ( F fn ) { fn ( ) ; } template < typename F > void fn2 ( F && fn ) { fn ( std :: forward < F > ( fn ) ) ; }
std::function function object wrapper
Can wrap any type of function object
Objects with the same function signature can be stored as the same type
std :: function < float ( float , float ) > fn ; fn = std :: fmaxf ; //普通函数fn = std :: multiplies < float > ( ) ; //仿函数fn = [ x ] ( float a , float b ) { return a * b ; } ; // Lambda
performance issues
Dynamically allocate memory
virtual function call
Dangling references
auto make_lambda ( int i ) { return [ & ] ( int v ) { return v + i ; } ; } auto l = make_lambda ( 10 ) ; l ( 20 ) ;
hanging pointer
void Object :: f ( int i ) { std :: thread ( [ = ] { print ( i + m_value ) ; } ) . detach ( ) ; }
This article is reprinted from: https://ifmet.cn/posts/9ece64cc/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.