Later exclusive丨Alipay started the largest executive rotation in the past 7 years; JD Logistics’ two executives adjusted their positions

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The Alipay business group started the largest executive rotation in the past 7 years, and established two new business divisions

“LatePost” exclusively learned that the Alipay business group under Ant Group recently started the largest executive rotation in the past seven years, involving multiple departments, and the positions of many vice presidents and senior directors have changed. In addition, the Alipay business group has recently established a digital product business unit and an Alipay App business unit.


Chen Xianda (nickname: Sun Wu), the former head of Alipay’s merchant open technology department, served as the head of the newly formed digital product division, and coordinated the design of Alipay’s open system for merchants.

In addition, another newly established Alipay App Division is headed by Li Jun (nickname: Putian), the former head of Alipay App products. This is the first time that Alipay has established an independent business division around App products since its establishment. It helps merchants realize the Internet business of digital operation.

Li Juan (nickname: Tang Fang), the former general manager of Alipay’s user operation and personal business department, and the person in charge of Alipay’s user-oriented service operations, has previously participated in the operation of products and activities such as “receiving money code” and “Jiwufu” , on the basis of his original position, he will also serve as the general manager of Alipay’s digital payment business department, responsible for “receipt code” and other products.

Chen Guanhua (nickname: Guanhua), the former general manager of Alipay’s digital payment division, will then go to the digital finance business group of Ant Group and be responsible for the operation of the insurance service platform “Ant Bao”. Chen Guanhua was previously the product manager of Alipay’s “Five Blessings” campaign, and participated in the design of “money collection code” and “red envelope code” and other products.

Wang Lijuan (nickname: Hongyou), the former general manager of Alipay’s digital business division, previously connected with KA (key customer) merchants in various industries such as catering and retail to help them access Alipay’s open products and traffic resources. At present, Wang Lijuan will succeed Yang Peng as the head of Alipay’s digital government and enterprise business department. This business department covers multiple business scenarios such as large travel (bus, subway, bicycle), car owner services, and medical care.

Yang Peng (flower name: Peng Yang), the former head of operations of Alipay’s digital government and enterprise business department, will next be in charge of Alipay’s international business. Before that, he connected government and enterprise customers in the Alipay business group and helped them design digital solutions such as mini programs. He also participated in the design of the “Health Code”.

He Yongming (nickname: Guan Zhong), the former head of Alipay’s Ecological Development Division, will next be in charge of Alipay’s Digital Business Division. Previously, he was in charge of the construction of the open ecology, integrated the original ecological team and the original digital business team, and increased the construction of the Alipay industry ecology.

Li Jiajia (nickname: Shan Gong), the former product and technical director of Alipay, was transferred to be the technical director of Alipay terminal, responsible for payment terminal technology such as POS machines.

This is Alipay’s largest executive rotation in the past seven years. Previously, most of the middle-level cadres were transferred. The last large-scale adjustment of the Alipay business group was in December 2016. The Alipay business group began to try a new organizational management model – the class committee system. At that time, Ant Financial (later renamed Ant Group) CEO Jing Xiandong served as the class leader , Zeng Songbai (former chief manpower officer) and Ni Xingjun (then technical director) served as deputy monitors.

The background of this round of personnel adjustment is that the Alipay business needs more innovation and changes.

In the entire Ant Group, Alipay is the core business, including digital payment and digital interconnection. In addition, Ant also includes digital finance (wealth, insurance, consumer finance), internationalization, digital technology and other businesses. After the postponement of Ant Group’s IPO in November 2020, it started business rectification. At the same time, Ant Group also began to gradually cut off from personnel to business with Ali Group.

In 2021, Ant Group will separate the brands of “Huabei” and “Jiebei”. Only the installment payment service or credit loan provided by Ant Consumer Finance will be marked with “Huabei” or “Jiebei”. Loans that are funded by banks and other financial institutions but rely on Ant Group to provide data information will become “credit loans.”

As a result, Ant’s lending difficulty has increased fourfold , and its mutual aid platform “Xiangxiangbao” will also be closed in early 2022. In April last year, Ant Group cut off from MYbank again to further “de-financialization”.

While deleveraging, the imagination of Ant’s business is not as big as it used to be. At the end of November last year, Ant investor Fidelity Investments lowered its valuation forecast for Ant Group to US$63.8 billion (approximately HK$497.6 billion), a drop of more than 70% from the US$235 billion valuation before the postponement of the IPO. At the end of September last year, BlackRock Group lowered Ant’s valuation to US$110.6 billion, and Twentieth Century Group lowered its valuation to US$56.8 billion at the end of November. (Text丨Edited by Chen Jing丨Guan Yiwen)

Two senior executives of JD Logistics have adjusted their positions, and the logistics technology business aims to break even this year

“LatePost” exclusively learned that Tang Wei, senior vice president of JD Logistics Group, and Wang Qiang, vice president, both left their original positions this month.

Tang Wei was previously the person in charge of the Jingdong Logistics Business Development Service Center. Currently, the Business Development Service Center has been changed to the Experience and Planning Department, focusing on logistics experience guarantee and planning construction. Tang Wei’s successor is in charge of the Experience Guarantee Department of the former Business Development Service Center. Shen Zhongzheng, who joined in 2012.

Tang Wei is an old employee of JD Logistics. He has joined JD Logistics for 9 years and was in charge of KA (key customer) and sales development department of JD Logistics. A logistics employee commented that “Tang Wei built the sales system of JD Logistics single-handedly”. He has made a lot of contributions to the opening up of JD Logistics. The two major clients, Li Ning and Amway, were all negotiated by Tang Wei himself, setting a benchmark in the industry.

In 2021, when Tang Wei was in charge of the KA and sales development department, he will connect with more than 700 KA (key customers) for open services, including Amway, Unilever, Mead Johnson, Wal-Mart, Netease Yanxuan, Gree, etc. In 2022, JD Logistics has 362 integrated supply chain customers whose annual revenue contribution is not less than 10 million, accounting for about 11% of JD Logistics’ annual revenue of 137.4 billion yuan.

At present, Tang Wei belongs to the manager post under the comprehensive talent department of JD Logistics, and is not in charge of specific business. “LatePost” cannot clarify the reason for the adjustment for the time being. This month, Tang Wei also stepped down as a non-independent director of Debon Logistics.

Another executive of JD Logistics, Wang Qiang, head of JD Logistics Supply Chain Solutions Department and X Research Department, also adjusted his position this month and is currently the head of the innovative business department of JD Technology.

The current head of the supply chain solution department is Zheng Yan. He joined in 2010 and was previously the head of the supply chain product department of JD Logistics. The X business department was newly established, including the X research department, and the current person in charge is Chen Junhu. X Research Department is the technical department of that studies smart warehousing and logistics systems and unmanned technology.

Wang Qiang joined in 2020 after working for Huawei for 21 years. After joining JD Logistics, Wang Qiang is responsible for providing supply chain solutions for external customers, such as storing best-selling products in different areas in the warehousing link, optimizing the picking path to improve efficiency; in the transportation link, intelligently driving and loading through algorithms to reduce Shipping costs and safety incident rates.

JD Logistics has always positioned itself not as a pure logistics company, but as an integrated supply chain logistics service provider, providing customers with a full range of services including business consulting, inventory optimization, national network planning, warehouse management, transportation and distribution, and returns and exchanges. Supply chain solutions provided by customers other than JD Retail are seen as the company’s second growth curve.

The logistics technology business segment under the supply chain solution department includes not only software services such as warehouse management systems, but also services provided by hardware equipment such as intelligent handling and picking. Beginning in 2010, this business was required to break even, but it was not achieved until the end of the year.

Entering 2023, break-even will continue to be the annual goal of the business, and the Supply Chain Solutions Department has eliminated some personnel and reduced expenses to reduce losses.

A person from JD Logistics commented that Wang Qiang’s biggest feature during his tenure for more than two years is “not tossing around”. He understands that the business requires long-term investment, so the reform style is gradual. The main reason for this resignation may be that it did not complete the goal of breaking even last year.

JD Logistics achieved an overall turnaround last year, with a non-GAAP profit of 870 million yuan, and a non-GAAP loss of 1.22 billion yuan in 2021; last year’s net loss reached 1.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 93%.

The total revenue of JD Logistics reached 137.4 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of 31.2%. However, a large part of the revenue growth comes from the consolidation of Debon Logistics. After excluding the 14.4 billion revenue brought by the consolidation of Debon, JD Logistics’ revenue growth last year was 17%. (Text丨Edited by Chen Jing丨Guan Yiwen)

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