learn from past experience

Original link: https://blog.frytea.com/archives/687/

learn from past experience.

Today is the 9th National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims in my country
85 years ago today, the Japanese invaders committed a tragic massacre

That painful history is a memory that all Chinese cannot forget.
Reinforced annually through the form of Remembrance Day,
All Chinese must not forget.

I still remember that year in Nanjing,
Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.

A heart-wrenching number,
A series of creepy photos,
One piece of ironclad evidence pointing to evil people,
All of them make me unforgettable.

as posterity,
All you can do is not forget,
Let this painful history,
become the driving force for oneself in the future,
Try to make yourself stronger,
if possible,
Dedicate my modest strength to a strong motherland.


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