LiberOJ #3723. “SDOI / SXOI2022” substring statistics

Original link: BB%9F%E8%AE%A1/


Title meaning

Very amazing question. . . Consider violent dp. . It is not difficult to have. .

    FOR(i, 1, n) {  
        REP(l, ni) {  
            int r = l + i;  
            dp[l][r] = (dp[l+1][r] + dp[l][r-1]) * occ[l][r];  

As long as the suffix array is used to preprocess the occ, the complexity is O(n2).

#include <lastweapon/bitwise>  
#include <lastweapon/number>  
using namespace lastweapon;  
const int N = int(5e3) + 9;  
int C[N], key[N], t1[N], t2[N];  
int n;  
namespace SA {  
    const int Z = 27;  
    int a[3*N], sa[3*N], rk[N], h[N];  
    inline void rs(int*x,int*y,int*sa,int n,int m){  
        REP(i, n)key[i]=i[y][x];  
        memset(C, 0, sizeof(C[0])*m);  
        REP(i, n) ++C[key[i]];  
        FOR(i, 1, m) C[i] += C[i-1];  
        DWN(i, n, 0) sa[--C[key[i]]] = y[i];  
    void da(int*a,int*sa,int n,int m){  
        int *x = t1, *y = t2;  
        REP(i, n)++C[x[i]=a[i]];  
        FOR(i, 1, m)C[i]+=C[i-1];  
        DWN(i, n, 0)sa[--C[x[i]]]=i;  
        for(int l=1,p=1;p<n;l<<=1,m=p){  
            p=0; FOR(i, nl, n) y[p++]=i;  
            REP(i, n) if (sa[i]>=l) y[p++]=sa[i]-l;  
            rs(x,y,sa,n,m),swap(x,y),x[sa[0]]=p=0;FOR(i, 1, n)  
                x[sa[i]]=(y[sa[i]]==y[sa[i-1]]&&y[sa[i]+l]==y[sa[i-1]+l]) ?p:++p;  
#define F(x) ((x)/3+((x)%3==1?0:tb))  
#define G(x) ((x)<tb?(x)*3+1:((x)-tb)*3+2)  
int c0(int*r, int a, int b)  
{return r[a]==r[b]&&r[a+1]==r[b+1]&&r[a+2]==r[b+2];}  
int c12(int k, int*r, int a, int b)  
{if(k==2) return r[a]<r[b]||r[a]==r[b]&&c12(1,r,a+1,b+1);  
 else return r[a]<r[b]||r[a]==r[b]&&key[a+1]<key[b+1];}  
void dc3(int*a, int*sa, int n, int m){  
    int i, j, *an=a+n, *san=sa+n, ta=0, tb=(n+1)/3, tbc=0, p;  
    a[n] = a[n+1] = 0; REP(i, n) if (i%3) t1[tbc++]=i;  
    p=0,an[F(t2[0])]=0;FOR(i, 1, tbc)  
    if (++p < tbc) dc3(an,san,tbc,p);  
    else REP(i, tbc) san[an[i]] = i;  
    REP(i, tbc) if(san[i] < tb) t2[ta++] = san[i] * 3;  
    if (n%3==1) t2[ta++] = n-1; rs(a,t2,t1,ta,m);  
    REP(i, tbc) key[t2[i]=G(san[i])] = i;  
    for(i=0,j=0,p=0; i<ta && j<tbc; p++)  
        sa[p]=c12(t2[j]%3,a,t1[i],t2[j]) ? t1[i++] : t2[j++];  
    for(;i<ta;p++) sa[p]=t1[i++]; for(;j<tbc;p++) sa[p]=t2[j++];  
void get_h(){  
    REP_1(i, n) rk[sa[i]] = i;  
    int k=0;for(int i=0;i<n;h[rk[i++]]=k){  
        if (k)--k;for(int j=sa[rk[i]-1];a[i+k]==a[j+k];++k);  
void bd(){  
} using namespace SA;  
char s[N]; Int dp[N][N]; int occ[N][N];  
int main() {  
#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);  
    MOD = 998244353;  
    n = strlen(RS(s)); REP(i, n) a[i] = s[i] - 'a' + 1; bd();  
    REP(i, n) {  
        int l = rk[i], r = l+1;  
        DWN(j, n, i) {  
            int len ​​= j-i+1;  
            while (h[l] >= len) --l;  
            while (h[r] >= len) ++r;  
            occ[i][j] = rl;  
    REP(i, n) dp[i][i] = occ[i][i];  
    FOR(i, 1, n) {  
        REP(l, ni) {  
            int r = l + i;  
            dp[l][r] = (dp[l+1][r] + dp[l][r-1]) * occ[l][r];  
    cout << dp[0][n-1] << endl;  
    //Display(occ, n, n);  
    //Display(dp, n, n);  

Further we observe the occ array. It is found to be very regular, so divide and conquer FFT can be used. . .

This article is reproduced from: BB%9F%E8%AE%A1/
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