Love life

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As the basis of the purpose of ” Oreliu Life Engineering “, I have expounded my views on “Love Yourself” in the articles ” Love Yourself: Why “, ” Love Yourself: How (Part 1) “, ” Love Yourself: How (Part 2) ” and ” Love Yourself: How (Part 2) “.

After eight or nine months, I have grown a little bit in thought, and the theoretical system has been further improved. I feel that now I can roughly talk about the second of the three “loves” – “love life”.

life? Life? Life?

In English, a single word “life” covers the three meanings of “life”, “living” and “life”; and these three Chinese words, in my understanding, have a subtle relationship between their meanings——

“Life” is an organism whose metabolism maintains its existence, and is the objective basis of “life” and “life”.

It can be seen that, at the level of “life”, it is enough to simply follow the laws of nature to maintain a good metabolism; while “life” has a huge room for transformation, and you can give full play to your imagination and creativity, design your own way of life, and live a non-standardized and non-template life.

Based on the current era, after thinking about it, I temporarily divide “life” roughly into the framework structure shown in the figure:

Uncle Lei's life study
Uncle Lei’s life study

In this figure, the dotted line can be regarded as the boundary of the “human” system – the life system and the spiritual system together constitute the individual “human”; the living system and the digital system constitute the infrastructure of “life”, or establish the main theme.

The life system affects the health of the body. It is the hardware part of the “human being”, which is equivalent to “life”, and needs to be carefully maintained from time to time. The mental system is the underlying software with a high ceiling in theory and can be upgraded indefinitely, that is, the operating system. It requires frequent deep thinking.

The property and labor in the life system reflect a person’s ability to resist risks, and together with the life system, provide the basic guarantee for the leisurely life, allowing people to cultivate and cultivate their own way of life as much as possible without restraint.

The digital system is an auxiliary system used to improve life efficiency and enhance life experience. It will digitize life and all aspects of life, and can view (quasi) real-time status like a dashboard, and intelligently give some suggestions, and can also issue certain task instructions to it.

play life

“Life engineering” is a “discipline” that systematically studies related ideas, theories, practical methods and solutions with the two issues of “what is a good life” and “how to live a good life” as the main subjects.

In “Olei Liu”, the standard of “good life” is not the level of the material level, but the constant state of flow, continuous positive feedback and the feeling of growth – the mental system can be iterated frequently and upgraded continuously.

The way I can think of to achieve this effect is to treat life as a game and play an infinite game.

Determine the target

Each game has its ultimate goal, such as: the brave destroys the devil to save the world; the hero defeats the villain and rescues the beauty. Achieving this ultimate goal is the main line of the game, and levels, props, and various plots and characters will be arranged around it.

As the designer of one’s own life game, the first thing to do is to clarify what the ultimate goal of life is, and there are at most one or two opportunities to adjust in this life-if it changes frequently, can it still be called the “ultimate goal”?

The best way to determine the ultimate goal is to start with the end in mind, that is, assuming that you will die soon, how to spend the remaining days before that in order to die well without regret.

For now, my ultimate goal is——

My ideal career is to be a knight who wanders the world. In fantasy, it is “magic gun swordsman” (a profession with a main sword and a secondary gun supplemented by magic). In reality, the closest thing to it should be an explorer and a digital nomad—free enough to roam around to satisfy my curiosity—digital nomads are the most practical for me.

Ole’s ” Three and Four: Life

I have always hated that kind of stable and unchanging life, and I like wandering or nomadic wandering full of novelty and unknown; even so, maybe one day I will stop and settle down in a certain place for the elderly.

Until then, I would like to ? Open a small and beautiful community coffee shop together, share our past experiences and life wisdom with visitors, become the “home” of every neighborhood neighbor who has worries and troubles, and solve their problems, just like a late-night cafeteria.

Now that the ultimate goal is determined, the next step is to analyze what key issues need to be solved to achieve the goal; continue to decompose step by step until the current self can act immediately and start to work.

I believe you have noticed that this is looking for the realization path of the ultimate goal-should be implementable and as optimal as possible.

become a player

In the game of life, if you don’t strive to be its designer, you will be assigned to the country and society you live in by default, and you can only exist as a game character, at the mercy of others, commonly known as “NPC”—this is the situation of most people.

And when you become the designer of the game of life, you may also unlock the identity of the game player. Why do you say “possibly” instead of “certainly”? That is naturally because there is a threshold for players who want to play the game of life.

Unlocking the player’s identity is actually the awakening of the self-consciousness and splitting a self that has opened the perspective of God, supervising and manipulating the self as a game character in another dimension – gaining greater control over oneself.

for example–

If a person is unemployed in the current economic environment, in addition to repaying the mortgage, he has to pay social security and other insurance fees every month. Although he has savings, it will eventually be exhausted; and it is very difficult to find a job, and he repeatedly hits the wall.

As a game character, he will definitely fall into anxiety due to the influence of the surrounding environment, unable to regulate his emotions well, let alone maintain a stable and healthy mental state.

If the player identity is unlocked, there will be no surprises, thinking that this is just a task in the game, a problem that needs to be solved at present, as long as they find a way to solve it.

Having the identity of a player can not only open the perspective of God to enhance the sense of control, but also experience the big and small things that happen to you with full senses and immersive experience, from which you can maximize the information and think about the correspondence, rather than simply responding mechanically like a game character.

This immersive experience is brought about by the experience mentality——

The mentality of experience is the ability to not be attached to the result, to feel the present and the process, and to be calm and calm.

When encountering setbacks, people often have negative reactions such as irritability, sadness, anger, and blaming themselves or others. This is all caused by focusing on results;

This way of coping will not only avoid (excessive) negative emotions, but also stimulate a problem-solving-oriented learning mentality, reflect on failures and learn from them, and then improve yourself.

The problem-solving-oriented learning mentality inspired by the experience mentality has also strengthened my sensibility and sense of participation in life. In the past, I avoided things that I didn’t want to do in my life, but now I am willing to try things that do not violate the principles.

Ole’s ” Unemployed for nearly half a year, what have I learned?”

Those who have unlocked the identity of the player will actively understand and master the operating logic of the world (nature and society) and what “people” are like-this is the basis for ensuring the smooth realization of the ultimate goal.


“Love life” is to find a lifestyle that you like and suits you, and always experience and enjoy the big and small things it brings; to find it, you need to establish the ultimate goal of life with the end in mind, and then deduce the path of realization.

No matter what the lifestyle and ultimate goal are, as long as we are alive, some things are necessary. For the time being, I roughly divide them into four parts: life system, spiritual system, life system and number system.

Under the law of entropy increase, life will gradually age and die, life will develop out of control, life will gradually become eclipsed – if you do nothing and let it develop, you will enter chaos, it is better to ascend to heaven as soon as possible.

As an “anti-chaos (life) engineer” focusing on the lifestyle field, my main responsibility is to explore and research easy-to-land solutions to live a healthy, long-lived, free and happy life, so as to help myself and others who are destined to fight against entropy increase to the greatest extent.

This article only briefly introduces the overall framework and two main points, and more systematic theoretical details. It should become a product of ” Uncle Lei’s Life Research ” in the form of paid columns, e-books, courses, etc. in the future.

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