Luogu P2050. [NOI2012] Food Festival

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You can get 60 points by using the method of the previous question , and consider optimization. We found that for each chef, the edge it uses must be a set of prefixes, so it can be greedy to add new edges dynamically after each augmentation.

#include <lastweapon/io>  
#include <lastweapon/mincostflow>  
using namespace lastweapon;  
int main() {  
#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);  
    //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);  
    int n, m, p; RD(n, m); p = 800; int s = n+m*p, t = s+1, nn = 0;  
    mcf_graph<int, int> G(t+1);  
    REP(i, n) G.add_edge(s, i, RD(), 0);  
    REP(i, p) REP(j, m) G. add_edge(n+p*j+i, t, 1, 0);  
    REP(i, n) REP(j, m) {  
        int c; RD(c); REP(k, p) G.add_edge(i, n+p*j+k, 1, (k+1)*c);  
    printf("%d\n", G.flow(s, t).se);  

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