Luogu P3647. [APIO2014] Lianzhuxian

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The unrooted tree is not in a good design state. Find a way to convert it into a rooted tree, and then replace Dafa with a subtree.

Then run and change the root dp.

I love macros forever.

#include <lastweapon/io>  
using namespace lastweapon;  
const int N = int(2e5) + 9;  
int d[N][2], e[N][2], z;  
VII adj[N];  
int n;  
#define dv (max(d[v][0], d[v][1] + w))  
#define tv ((d[v][0] + w) - dv)  
#define dp (max(e[u][0], e[u][1] + pw))  
#define tp ((e[u][0] + pw) - dp)  
void dfs1(int u = 1, int p = 0) {  
    int t = -INF;  
    for (auto _: adj[u]) {  
        int v =; if (v == p) continue; int w =;  
        dfs1(v, u); d[u][0] += dv;  
        checkMax(t, tv);  
    d[u][1] = d[u][0] + t;  
void dfs2(int u = 1, int p = 0, int pw = -INF) {  
    checkMax(z, d[u][0] + dp);  
    int t0 = tp, t1 = -INF, v0 = -1;  
    for (auto _: adj[u]) {  
        int v =; if (v == p) continue; int w =; if (tv > t0) t1 = t0, t0 = tv, v0 = v;  
        else if (tv > t1) t1 = tv;  
    for (auto _: adj[u]) {  
        int v =; if (v == p) continue; int w =;  
        e[v][0] = d[u][0] - dv + dp;  
        e[v][1] = e[v][0] + (v0 == v ? t1 : t0);  
        dfs2(v, u, w);  
int main() {  
#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);  
    //freopen("/Users/minakokojima/Documents/GitHub/ACM-Training/Workspace/out.txt", "w", stdout);  
    DO(RD(n)-1) {  
        int x, y, w; RD(x, y, w);  
    dfs1(); dfs2();  
    cout << z << endl;  

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