Original link: https://www.shuizilong.com/house/archives/luogu-p4708-%E7%94%BB%E7%94%BB/
Title meaning
Unlabeled Euler graph count
The method is basically the same as SGU 282. Isomorphism .
#include <lastweapon/number> using namespace lastweapon; const int N = int(5e1) + 9; Int Fact[N]; VVI Partition; VI cur; int n; void gen(int n = ::n, int s = 1){ if (!n){ Partition.PB(cur); } else if (n >= s){ cur.PB(s); gen(ns, s); cur.pop_back(); gen(n, s+1); } } Int c(const VI P){ Int z = Fact[n]; int c = 0, l = P.front(); ECH(it, P){ z /= *it; if (*it != l){ z /= Fact; l = *it; c = 1; } else { ++c; } } z /= Fact; return z; } VII adj[N]; int w[N]; bool vis[N]; int sw, sz; void dfs(int u) { vis[u] = 1; sw += w[u]; sz += 1; for (auto e: adj[u]) { int v = e.fi; //w = e.se; if (!vis[v]) dfs(v); } } int g(const VI P){ REP(i, SZ(P)) { w[i] = 0; vis[i] = 0; adj[i].clear(); } int z = 0; REP(i, SZ(P)){ z += (P[i] - 1) / 2; if (!(P[i]&1)) w[i] += 1; REP(j, i) { int d = __gcd(P[i], P[j]); int ei = P[j] / d, ej = P[i] / d; if (ei&1) { if (ej&1) { adj[i].PB({j,0}); adj[j].PB({i,0}); z += d; } else { w[i] += d; } } else { if (ej&1) { w[j] += d; } else { z += d; } } } } REP(i, SZ(P)) if (!vis[i]){ sw = 0; sz = 0; dfs(i); z += max(sw-1, 0) - (sz-1); } return z; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout); #endif MOD = 998244353; RD(n); Fact[0] = 1; REP_1(i, n) Fact[i] = Fact[i-1] * i; gen(); Int res = 0; ECH(it, Partition){ res += c(*it) * pow(Int(2), g(*it)); } res /= Fact[n]; cout << res << endl; }
This article is reproduced from: https://www.shuizilong.com/house/archives/luogu-p4708-%E7%94%BB%E7%94%BB/
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