A recent visit to the Nexus Repo exposed the following 503 issue
http: //your_server:8081/nexus/content/repositories/xxxx/module/3.0.0/module-3.0.0.pom. Return code is: 503, ReasonPhrase:Service Unavailable. ->
Trying to restart the Nexus Repo service didn’t fix it either.
Later, it was located that the problem was caused by proxy-related settings. specific modification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
systemProp . https . proxyPort = 1080 systemProp . http . proxyHost = 127.0 . 0.1 org . gradle . jvmargs =- Xmx10240m - XX \ : MaxPermSize \ = 4096 m - XX \ :+ HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError - Dfile . encoding \ = UTF - 8 org . gradle . daemon = true systemProp . https . proxyHost = 127.0 . 0.1 org . gradle . parallel = true systemProp . http . proxyPort = 1080
You can delete the content designed to the proxy above. That is, delete the following
1 2 3 4
systemProp . https . proxyPort = 1080 systemProp . http . proxyHost = 127.0 . 0.1 systemProp . https . proxyHost = 127.0 . 0.1 systemProp . http . proxyPort = 1080
This article is reprinted from https://droidyue.com/blog/2022/07/12/nexus-503-issues/
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.