OpenWRT assigns different gateways/bypass routes based on network segments


The default DHCP Server of OeWRT is Dmaq. With Dmaq, different gateways can be allocated according to the network segment (bypass route), and different gateways can also be allocated according to the MAC address/IP address. >Dmaq provides network infrastructure for small networks: DNS, DHCP, Router Advertiemet and Network oot. It has a lightweight design and low resource footprint, making it suitable for routers and firewalls with limited resources. It is also widely used on smartphones and portable hotspots and supports virtual networking in a virtualization framework. Supported platforms include Linux (with glic and uclic), Adroid, *BSD and Mac OS X. Dmaq is included in most Linux distributions and port systems for FreeBSD, OeBSD, and NetBSD. Dmaq provides full IPv6 support. >

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