Quick iteration of OneKey Card virtual card

Original link: https://tumutanzi.com/archives/17030

After testing the OneKey Card virtual card a few days ago, I found that the OneKey Card is also rapidly iterating.

Today, I used OneKey Card’s VISA card and Depay’s Mastercard virtual card to spend dozens of yuan each, and the exchange rates of USD/RMB were 6.8409 and 6.8691 respectively. It seems that the exchange rate of OneKey’s card has improved, and the difference is only 0.4%. , which is better than the 1% difference at the beginning of the public beta.

In addition, the exchange rate of OneKey Card is not good enough when spending small amounts of RMB. For example, if you buy a sesame seed cake in the morning for 3 yuan, the deduction fee is 0.45 US dollars, which is equivalent to the exchange rate of 6.67.

Therefore, the exchange rate problem is estimated to be VISA’s problem, and it may not be the responsibility of OneKey Card itself. The actual test also found that OneKey Card, like Depay, does not take up an individual’s annual foreign exchange quota of 50,000 US dollars.

The official said on social media that the Mastercard virtual card will be opened next, and the payment risk control will be better. It even provides the option to convert the existing VISA card into MasterCard. More powerful functions will support Apple Pay. users can use it.

For domestic friends, the advantage of owning this kind of US dollar virtual credit card is that on the one hand, you can have quasi-European and American credit cards to pay bills like OpenAI ChatGPT Plus, and on the other hand, you can really spend RMB without owning RMB.

The mystery of this is that cryptocurrency acts as a bridge, connecting the cyberpunk world and the traditional real world. Cryptocurrency is exchanged into U.S. dollars for direct use, while VISA and MasterCard convert U.S. dollars into RMB for domestic use, and the flow of money is realized through cryptocurrency.

At present, registration and application for OneKey Card still requires the referral link of the referral code. If you need it, you can directly use my referral code: XSYCDX and referral link: https://card.onekey.so/?i=XSYCDX

Twelve years ago, Tumutanzi began to pay attention to the phenomenon and principle of cryptocurrency, and now I pay more attention to its payment application scenarios, after all, technology has improved.

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