Re-listening to “Radio Soft and Hard Murder”

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“Isn’t everything coming from China?” Junichiro Tanizaki said.

Doesn’t the Hong Kong that the Hong Kong Chinese want to recover come from a non-communist China? This is the biggest problem: denying the entire Chinese tradition (building the Hong Kong nation) is denying everything that Hong Kong once had.

Kyogoku Natsuhiko gave an understanding: “Is Confucianism…? But Confucius is not a native of the country.” “It doesn’t matter what the source is. Isn’t it learning, understanding, and thinking about what Confucius taught? This kind of thinking is philosophy. If it is Japan When people think about these things, that is Japanese philosophy.” (“School Hanging Hall·Breaking Dawn”)

Master of Soft and Hard: “The Murder Incident of Soft and Hard on Broadcasting Road “, 1993

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