Title: “Three independent k8s clusters or one k8s cluster spanning three regions?”
Category: kubernetes
Link: https://itnext.io/3-reasons-to-choose-a-wide-cluster-over-multi-cluster-with-kubernetes-c923fecf4644
When it comes to multiple sets of kubernetes, most of the current articles recommend using three independent kubernetes clusters instead of setting up one kubernetes cluster that manages three locations at the same time.
The author of this article shares why you should choose one kubernetes to manage all from different aspects, instead of setting up three sets of kubernetes clusters.
The most criticized and difficult to deal with a set of kubernetes is the problem of Latency. The author mentioned that the problem of Latency will affect ETCD
After ETCD is affected, the operation of the entire cluster will be affected, and even application-related processing will be slowed down.
The author mentions that in fact this problem can be solved in two steps
- Relocate etcd nodes, or use a non-etcd solution
- Through node labels, let the services that use etcd be as close as possible to etcd
Note: I don’t think this statement can solve the problem. Generally, if the application is distributed to different regions, your access will still have the opportunity to cross regions, unless you have to design labels for different regions very seriously, so that the subordinates of the application can only Fixing the same area, but if you want to do it like this, I don’t think the latter will be more tiring.
The author has always emphasized the use of mesh VPN to open up all the underlying network packet processing, allowing you to manage multiple regions with one large k8s, so you don’t have to worry about the underlying network problems
What are the benefits of a single set of k8s? The author believes that there are
No Complicated tooling
The author mentioned that KubeConf in 2021 has various tools for managing multiple sets of k8s clusters, such as KubeEdge, OpenShift Edge, Akri, Baetyl,
Kubermatic, Rancher, KubeFed… etc. If you use a large set of k8s, you can not use these tools, and directly reduce the dependency with this type of complex tools. A set of k8s clusters allows you to manage all environments in the simplest and most accustomed way
No extra overhead
Each K8s environment will have various tools such as monitoring, logging, registry, etc. The architecture of multiple sets of k8s means that one copy must be installed for each cluster, but if a large k8s architecture is used, only one copy can be maintained, so it can be reduced a lot. Unnecessarily duplicate installations.
Ultimate Flexibility
I don’t really understand this paragraph, why the author wants to promote mesh VPN so much…
Note: There is a message at the bottom of this article saying that it is a big problem to discuss related permissions such as RBAC. It is difficult for you to deal with this with a set of k8s. Things are not as simple as you think
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This article is reprinted from: https://www.hwchiu.com/read-notes-43.html
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