Search Engine Marketing 2023

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There has been no update for a while, mainly because I don’t have much motivation now. Too much content has been written, and now there are fewer and fewer people reading and discussing with friends. There is not much positive feedback, so of course not There will be good motivation. Anyway, I wanted to write a little bit today. In the future, it may become monthly or bi-monthly updates.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)Search Engine Marketing

What does search engine marketing include?

Mainly including SEO (search engine optimization), paid placement, paid inclusion.

What is SEO?

It’s search engine optimization, so I won’t go into details here. Here is the main introduction to search engine optimization.

What is paid placement?

It is generally called a pay-per-click advertising plan, which means that after the advertiser’s link is clicked, the user will be directed to the advertiser’s website page, and the advertiser will pay per click. Typically this also includes paid links and paid display advertising.

What is paid inclusion?

This generally refers to the search engine charging a certain fee to include the user’s website. Charged annually.

5 major SEM trends in 2023

Leveraging Automation and Artificial Intelligence AI

  • Automatically generated ad copy and creative
  • keyword research
  • Automated bid management
  • Automatic ad deployment

Collect first-party data

Many times, third-party data can be used, but here first-party data is more direct, effective and accurate. It just takes a little more patience and time.

  • Provide discounts to users or free products to allow more people to participate
  • Be transparent and let users know what data you are collecting, why and how you process it
  • Respect user privacy and ensure data storage and clear privacy policies.

Diversified search engine marketing

Display and promote products and services on multiple platforms and channels.

Bracing for voice search

Use natural language to write website content, use long-tail keywords, and optimize for local searches.

The power of video

Now, in 2023, more than 66% of companies are using video content marketing. Originally, it was text ads on advertising platforms, then there were image ads, then animations, and now it is video advertising content.

Google has a 6-second short video ad generator Bumper Machine that you can try.

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