See two declarations on improving the network environment at a glance. “Regaining online social space” is obviously more interesting than “three-legged stool”. What impressed me the most was the sentence in the former: “Priority for sharing local works, local discussions, local events and local groups”. Reminds me of these twenty questions from Coevolution Quarterly in 1981. (Click here to read the vertical layout)

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?n=Lawrence+Li&s=64 Lawrence Li


See two declarations on improving the network environment at a glance. ” Regaining online social space ” is obviously more interesting than ” three-legged stool “. What impressed me the most was the sentence in the former: “Priority for sharing local works, local discussions, local events and local groups”. Reminds me of these twenty questions from Coevolution Quarterly in 1981.

( Click here to read the vertical layout)

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