Several methods of PHP mysqli query database

Several methods of mysqli processing query result sets in php, mysqli query results

Recently, I have checked the information in the places where I don’t understand several methods of php query mysql processing result set, and I will record it here.

PHP uses the mysqli_result class to process result sets in the following ways

function describe
fetch_all() Fetch all result rows and return the result set as associated data, numerically indexed arrays, or both
fetch_array() Fetch a row of results as an associative array, numerically indexed array, or both
fetch_object() Returns the current row of the result set as an object
fetch_row() Returns a row of results as an enumerated array
fetch_assoc() Fetch a row of results as an associative array
fetch_field_direct() Returns the metadata of a single field in the result set as an object
fetch_field() Returns the column information in the result set as an object
fetch_fields() Returns the column information in the result set as an array of objects

fetch_all (fetch all rows from the result set as an associative array)

 $sql = "select * from user" ; $result = $link - > query ( $sql )

The post PHP mysqli Several ways to query a database first appeared on Lenix Blog .

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