Original link: https://www.ixiqin.com/2023/04/16/the-shoes-dog-reading-analy-sis/
- Starting a business is not just a simple business. Integrity, reputation, righteousness, and contract are the basis and requirements of business ethics. It is not enough for a company to only care about its own life, but also to help other people live a more fulfilling life. In this regard, “Shoe Dog” is a benchmark.
- Entrepreneurship opportunities are everywhere, but there will be a cycle for entrepreneurial success. To be successful, on the one hand, it depends on whether the enterprise itself can persist and persist correctly, and on the other hand, it depends on whether the development of venture capital can provide better support for this. “
- In the book “The Spectator”, Drucker wrote that he once observed those outstanding leaders and found that they all have a common characteristic, that is, they are full of curiosity about the world. Unique taste of each place and everything.
- Bacon’s viewpoint in “On Habit” can explain Phil Knight’s life very well: thought determines behavior, behavior determines habit, habit determines character, and character determines destiny.
- Our personality, destiny, even our genes. “A coward never starts,” he told me. “The weak die on the way, and we are the only ones to go.”
- Every runner knows this. You keep running, section after section, without quite knowing why. You tell yourself you’re running for a purpose, for a thrill, but the real reason you’re running is because stopping makes you feel the fear of death.
- I think of the words of William Burroughs, the author of “Naked Lunch”: Garbage merchants do not sell products to consumers at all, but sell consumers to their own products.
- Zen believes that reality is not linear, there is no future, there is no past, there is only the present.
- Japanese culture does not value straightforwardness. No one is going to say no outright, no one is going to say no outright, but they don’t necessarily say yes either. They talk in circles, neither subjective nor objective. Don’t feel depressed, but don’t be complacent either. You may walk away feeling like you screwed up when the other party is ready to make a deal, or you may walk away thinking the deal will never go away when in reality you’ve been turned down. You can’t guess what the other person is thinking at all. “
- The great Japanese poet once wrote, “Let go of everything you desire, let go of everything.” This sentence seems to have been honed and radiated like the blade of a Japanese samurai sword or the stone of a mountain stream.
- MacArthur also has imperfections, but he is aware of this. He once said: “Those who break the rules, people will always respect them.”
- On the last day, I was wandering around the Elysee Palace, pursuing the road to freedom, thinking about General Patton all the time, thinking about his phrase “Don’t tell people how to do things, but tell them what to do, let them create results that you are amazed at” .
- “Everyone, almost everyone, changes jobs at least three times. So if you’re at an investment firm now, you’re going to end up leaving, and your next job might have to start from scratch.
- Spread the faith, I decided. Faith is irresistible.
- The philosophy I’ve learned is that consistent sales growth, profitability, and unlimited upside equals a high-quality company.
- People have the wrong idea that only great Olympic athletes are athletes, but he felt that everyone was an athlete. As long as you are healthy, you can exercise.
- Wisdom may seem like an intangible asset, but assets all the same are good reasons to take the risk. Entrepreneurship is the only thing that makes other risks in life—marriage, wealth, status—more likely.
- Many pages, “Jogging” (Jogging) is “preaching” to the country. It is a “gospel” about physical exercise that has rarely been seen before.
- “Because,” Woodall’s mother said, “if you can’t trust the company your son is fighting for, who can you trust?”
- I wish I was more confident, I wish I could borrow some confidence. But self-confidence is like money, you have to have some to get more. People are usually reluctant to lend to you.
- “Cowards never set out, the weak die on the way, and we are the only ones left to go.”
- It was obvious that the “villains” liked the vibe I created. I trust them completely and don’t keep tabs on them, which creates a strong mutual trust. My management style is not effective for someone who needs to be guided every step of the way, but the team will feel free and empowered. I let them be who they are, let them make their own mistakes, let them make their own mistakes, because that’s what I always wanted people to do to me.
- Apparently, they loved our story: the rise of a group of Oregon sports geeks. Obviously, they liked what Nike spokespeople had to say about our products. We are not just a brand, we are an attitude.
- When a phone repairman feels the need to teach you a lesson, I tell myself that maybe your behavior might actually need to be corrected. On that day, I made a promise to myself, I swore that from then on I would learn to meditate, think deeply, run 20 kilometers every night, and try my best not to be overly emotional.
- Calling this a “business” doesn’t seem right either. All the busy days and sleepless nights, all the great successes and desperate struggles, seem to be incapable of being summed up by the banal word “business.” What we actually do goes way beyond that. Every new day brings 50 new questions before us, 50 tough decisions to make right now. We all know full well that one rash move, one wrong decision can get us all the way. The room for making mistakes has always been getting smaller and smaller, but the benefits have always been slowly increasing. We all firmly believe that the “benefits” here are not just “money”.
- Cowards never set out, the weak die on the way, and we are the only ones left to go.
- This is by no means just business, and never will be. If this turns out to be just business, it’s a sign that business is really bad.
- Of course, the question of wages has always been there. I understand that wages for workers in third world countries are unbelievably low compared to Americans. However, we operate within the confines and systems of each country and economy, so we cannot pay our salaries all we want. In one country, not to mention here, when we wanted to raise wages, we were reprimanded, summoned to the office of a high-ranking government official, and asked us to stop. We have destroyed the economic system of this country, the senior official said. It was wrong, he insisted, and unreasonable, that shoemakers should earn more than doctors.
- It’s nice to be able to help people avoid common frustrations. I want to tell you to hit the pause button and take the time to think hard about how you want to spend your life and who you want to spend the remaining 40 years with. I would tell young people in their 20s not to settle down because of a job, profession or even career, but to seek their inner impulse. Even if you don’t know what it means, keep looking. If you follow your inner urge, you will be more able to tolerate exhaustion, every disappointment will become your motivation, and the mountain to climb will become trivial.
- The iconoclasts, innovators, and rebels all have a target in their backs, and the more successful they are, the more vulnerable they are to being attacked. This is not a family opinion, but the law of nature.
- Believe in yourself and believe in destiny. Not someone else’s destiny, not your own definition of destiny, but within you, your own definition of destiny.
This article is reproduced from: https://www.ixiqin.com/2023/04/16/the-shoes-dog-reading-analy-sis/
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