Original link: https://www.shuizilong.com/house/archives/spoj-twopaths-two-paths/
Question: Find the maximum value of the product of two disjoint paths.
Analysis: The dfs order maintains diameter has a very nice property. . . That is, you can find the diameter inside the subtree and the diameter outside the subtree. . So we only need to do dfs again, and then multiply the two diameters every time the query comes out. . It’s a pity that O(nlogn) may not be able to pass big data. . .
#include <lastweapon/io> using namespace lastweapon; const int N = int(1e5) + 9; int L[N], R[N], dep[N], id[N], nn; VI adj[N]; int n; struct rec{ int d, dd, ld, rd, D; void init(LL _d, LL _dd) { d = _d; dd = 2*_dd; D = ld = -INF; rd = _d - dd; } } T[N*4]; // max d[l] + d[r] - dd[m] // l < m <= r // d depth // dd father's depth #define lx (x<<1) #define rx(lx|1) #define ml ((l+r)>>1) #define mr (ml+1) #define lc lx,l,ml #define rc rx,mr,r void upd(int x) { T[x].d = max(T[lx].d, T[rx].d); T[x].dd = min(T[lx].dd, T[rx].dd); T[x].ld = max(T[lx].ld, T[rx].ld, T[lx].d - T[rx].dd); T[x].rd = max(T[lx].rd, T[rx].rd, T[rx].d - T[lx].dd); T[x].D = max(T[lx].D, T[rx].D, T[lx].ld + T[rx].d, T[lx].d + T[rx].rd ); } rec upd(rec l, rec r) { rec x; xd = max(ld, rd); x.dd = min(l.dd, r.dd); x.ld = max(l.ld, r.ld, ld - r.dd); x.rd = max(l.rd, r.rd, rd - l.dd); xD = max(lD, rD, l.ld + rd, ld + r.rd); return x; } void Build(int x, int l, int r) { if (l == r) { T[x].init(dep[id[l]], dep[id[l]]-1); } else { Build(lc); Build(rc); upd(x); } } void dfs(int u = 1, int p = 0) { id[L[u] = ++nn] = u; for (auto v: adj[u]) if (v != p) { dep[v] = dep[u] + 1; dfs(v, u); } R[u] = nn; } rec Query(int x, int l, int r, int a, int b) { /*if (b < l || r < a) { rec x; x.init(-INF,INF); return x; }*/ if (a <= l && r <= b) { return T[x]; } else { if (b < mr) return Query(lc, a, b); if (ml < a) return Query(rc, a, b); return upd(Query(lc, a, b), Query(rc, a, b)); } } LL z = 0; void gao(int u = 1, int p = 0) { for (auto v: adj[u]) if (v != p) { LL D = Query(1,1,n,L[v],R[v]).D; checkMax(z, D * upd(Query(1,1,n,1,L[v]-1), Query(1,1,n,R[v]+1,n)).D); /*cout << L[v] << " " << R[v] << " " " << v << " " << Query(1,1,n,L[v],R[v]) .D << " " << upd(Query(1,1,n,1,L[v]-1), Query(1,1,n,R[v]+1,n)).D << " " << z << endl;*/ gao(v, u); } } int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); //freopen("/Users/minakokojima/Documents/GitHub/ACM-Training/Workspace/out.txt", "w", stdout); #endif dep[0] = INF; DO(RD(n)-1) { int x, y; RD(x, y); adj[x].PB(y); adj[y].PB(x); } if (n > 3) { dfs(); Build(1, 1, n); gao(); } cout << z << endl; }
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