Suddenly Gitee fell! ! !

Hello everyone, my name is Lei.

Yesterday, some fans responded that the pictures of the blog were all hung up. I opened it and it was true, and I couldn’t access it anymore.

My blog tutorial article image, hung up

The images in the blog post are using Gitee repository images as free image beds

The sphere of influence is

As long as the number of stars is less than 500, it will automatically become private

How to solve it

Warehouse settings, submit for review

Knowing, there are already many people who pay attention to this issue

Gitee’s official answer on Zhihu

An interesting answer from someone

The scene where gitee writes code in the future

The text and pictures in this article are from the WeChat public account architect column


This article is reprinted from
This site is for inclusion only, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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