
Photoshop Shortcuts

Original link: https://www.sey.ink/5747/ PS is a popular image processing tool today.. The function is very powerful.. It is precisely because the function is so powerful.. So sometimes you can’t find some functions.. Waste too much time… And the solution is to write down these shortcut keys.. It is more convenient to operate… But to put

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Batch name files in the form of increasing serial numbers

Original link: https://www.sey.ink/5691/ Create a .txt file and enter the following content and save it as .bat format @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set count=900 for /f %%i in (‘dir /b *.jpg,*.png,*.bmp,*.jpeg,*.gif’) do ( set /a count+=1 echo renamed: %%i !count! rename %%i !count!.jpg ) Here the numbering starts from 901. To start the numbering from

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JavaScript escape quotes in strings

Original link: https://www.sey.ink/5458/ Defining a string must enclose it in single or double quotes. So what do you do when your string contains quotes ” or ‘ ? In JavaScript, quotes can be escaped by preceding them with a backslash ( \ ). const sampleStr = “Alan said, \”Peter is learning JavaScript\”.”; With the escape

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